Mexican American Literature & Culture Weekly Update: 9.8-9.12


WARNING:  This is a tentative calendar for the week.  I post this to provide my students with an opportuity to preview the week and to help them plan accordingly.  Sometimes things go exactly as planned and it is amazing. Sometimes they don’t because we might finish an objective faster than anticipated.  Sometimes what I believed would take ten minutes at the beginning of class ends up taking an entire class.  Sometimes there are some mornings when I get ideas and decide to change EVERYTHING because something else seems better.  Anyways, you get the picture: TENTATIVE.  As my grandmother used to say, “we make plans and the universe laughs”.

Monday 9.8: Defining Identity Day 1

UNIT GOAL: Define identity terms as they apply to Mexican American literature and evaluate basic issues and themes.

Objective(s): After participating in IDENTITY CORNERS, students will be able to 1.) use academic behaviors and practice discourse of scholarship to gain an understanding of the various social identities 2.) Listen to different perspectives of the participants involving these social identities 3.)Apply key terms which will be used in class and evaluate the importance of each to the study of cultural identity.

HandoutsIdentity Corners

Homework: Turn in Literacy Narrative Interviews TODAY by 5:00 p.m. for full credit (10% off everyday after deadlines)

Tuesday 9.9: Defining Identity Day 2

UNIT GOAL: Define identity terms as they apply to Mexican American literature and evaluate basic issues and themes.

Objective(s): After participating in IDENTITY CORNERS, students will be able to 1.) use academic behaviors and practice discourse of scholarship to gain an understanding of the various social identities 2.) Listen to different perspectives of the participants involving these social identities 3.)Apply key terms which will be used in class and evaluate the importance of each to the study of cultural identity.

HandoutsIdentity Corners

HomeworkTurn in Literacy Narrative Interviews (10% off everyday after deadlines)

Wednesday 9.10: Themes and Issues in Mexican American Literature 

UNIT GOAL: Define identity terms as they apply to Mexican American literature and evaluate basic issues and themes.

Objective(s): After completing CORNELL NOTES on video, “Exploring the Borderlands,” students will be able to write a summary that identifies significant historical contexts and themes of Mexican American Literature.

HandoutsCornell Notes Guide and Instructions“Exploring the Borderlands”Analytical Summary

HomeworkTurn in Literacy Narrative Interviews (10% off everyday after deadlines)

Thursday 9.11: Why Ethnic Studies?

UNIT GOAL: Define identity terms as they apply to Mexican American literature and evaluate basic issues and themes.

Objective(s): After annotating Noah Remnick’s article, “Why Ethnic Studies is good for California and America,” students will be able to write a summary analyzes author’s purpose, claim, and evidence.


HomeworkTurn in Literacy Narrative Interviews  (10% off everyday after deadlines)

Friday 9.12: Assimilation, Acculturation, & Resistance

UNIT GOAL: Define identity terms as they apply to Mexican American literature and evaluate basic issues and themes.

Objective(s): After participating in and PHILOPHICAL CHAIRS DISCUSSION, students will be able to use academic behaviors and practice discourse of scholarship to discuss and define ASSIMILATION, ACCULTURATION, and RESISTANCE and evaluate the importance of each term to the study of cultural identity.

HandoutsPhilsophical Chairs, (Handout)

Homework: N/A