Mexican American Literature & Culture Weekly Updates: 3.28-4.1

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Monday: Identity Unit Portfolio Presentation

Tuesday: Socratic Seminar, Question Stems and Socratic Seminar Evaluation Form

Wednesday: Introduction to Mexican American War

After completing CORNELL NOTES on video, Foreigners in their Own Land students will be able to write a summary that identifies significant historical contexts and issues which resulted from the Mexican American War.

Thursday: Write a Summary on “Foreigners in their Own Land

Friday: Art Analysis, “American Progress” by John Gast

English 3P Weekly Updates: 3.28-4.2

Unit Goal: By reading and annotating F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, students will be able to 1.) evaluate philosophical attitudes and views of the American Dream and 2.) identify Modernist features of subversion, alienation, and antiheroes 3.) analyze the use of symbolism and archetype to convey theme.

Monday: Identify DISSONANCE through the CHARACTERIZATION of Jay Gatsby as we close read Chapter 3 of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. 

Tuesday: Evaluate MOOD and identify examples of subversion, alienation, and antiheroes in Chapter 3.

Wednesday: Chapter 1-3 PROGRESS CHECK

  • Can you Summarize Chapter 1-3?
  • Can you describe the novel’s NARRATOR?  Can you identify the TONE AND MOOD he establishes in Chapters 1-3?

Thursday:  PROGRESS CHECK REVISION & start on Chapter 4.

Friday: Read Chapter 4-5.