English 3P Honors Weekly Updates: 11.7-11.10

MONDAY: Introduction to Romanticism

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: Students can define features of American Romanticism as a cultural and intellectual movement that arose out of the historical context of the early 19th century by completing notes.

Handouts: Notes

Homework:  N/A

TUESDAY: Introduction to Transcendentalism

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: Students can define features of American Transcendentalism as a cultural and intellectual movement that arose out of the historical context of the early 19th century.

Handouts: “Thanaptosis” Close Read , Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes

Homework:  N/A

WEDNESDAY: “NATURE” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA: 1. Read an annotate Nature as a class 2.  Complete SAYS MEANS MATTERS in PODS

Handouts: Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes, SAYS MEANS MATTERS

Homework: Summarize “Nature,” in your Notebook

THURSDAY: “Self Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA: 1. Read an annotate “Self Reliance” in PODS

Handouts: Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes

HomeworkSummarize & Complete SAYS MEANS MATTERS for “Self Reliance” in your Notebook, PROGRESS CHECK 3.1 on Monday!

FRIDAY: No School Veterans Day