English 3P Honors Weekly Updates: 1.9-1.13

Monday: Introduction to”Against Nature” by Joyce Carol Oates

Objective: Students will identify ways that Oates tries to to persuade the reader through the use of structure.

Agenda: 1.) Emily Dickinson Reflections 2.)  Joyce Carol Oates Background  3.) “Against Nature” Preview

Homework: The Individual and Society Final Portfolio Checklist

Tuesday: “Against Nature” by Joyce Carol Oates

Objective: Students will identify ways that Oates tries to to persuade the reader through the use of structure.

Agenda: 1.) Review Genre & Purpose 2.) Close Reading “Against Nature” by Joyce Carol Oates

Homework: The Individual and Society Final Portfolio Checklist

Wednesday: “Against Nature” by Joyce Carol Oates (Late Start)

Objective: Students will identify ways that Oates tries to to persuade the reader through the use of structure.

Agenda: 1.) Review “Against Nature” 2.) Dialectical Journal analyzing “Against Nature”

Homework: The Individual and Society Final Portfolio Checklist

Thursday: “Against Nature” Philosophical Chairs

Objective: Students will identify ways that Oates tries to to persuade the reader through the use of structure.

Agenda: 1.) Philosophical Chairs

Homework: The Individual and Society Final Portfolio Checklist

Friday: “Against Nature” Progress Check

Objective: Students will identify ways that Oates tries to to persuade the reader through the use of structure.

Agenda: 1.) Against Nature: Progress Check

Homework: The Individual and Society Final Portfolio Checklist