First week of Second Semester: 1/2 way through :) 1.29-2.1

AP Seminar: Period 1

Tuesday: 1.) Turn in IRRs 2.) Last Presentations 3.) Presentation Debrief H.W. Mock IRR Performance Reflection

Wednesday: TMP Reflection H.W. TIPP3C for Performance Task 1

Thursday: IRR Rubric Reflection  H.W. DUE FRIDAY FlipGrid Interviews & Team Request: What did you learn about being successful in a team by participating in the MOCK TMP?  How will you apply this learning to the first AP Seminar Performance Task that includes an IRR and TMP?

Friday: Topic Selection & Research Proposal Guide

Mexican American Literature: Period 2 & 6

Tuesday:1.) Class Orientation & Tech Connect  2.) Mexican American Literature Syllabus3.)“Advice to Young Poets”  Quick Analysis

Wednesday: 1.) Notebook Setup & Interactive Notebook Rubric & Guidelines 2.)  What’s in a Name?(w/ pods)

Thursday: 1.)What’s in a Name? (LINES OF COMMUNICATION)

Friday: “Judge a book” by the Cover set up class Portfolio

English 3P Honors: Period 3 & 4

Tuesday:  Unit Introduction: Robeson Collection Quote Analysis

Wednesday: 1. Freedom Collective Poems Revision 2. Read “Civil War and Reconstruction” p. 277  b.  Gallery Walk: Views of Freedom: FREEDOM Gallery Walk

Thursday:Read “Civil War and Reconstruction” p. 277  b.  Gallery Walk: Views of Freedom: FREEDOM Gallery Walk

Friday: 1.) “Runagate Runagate  by Robert Hayden 2.) Found poem Workshop

First Semester Finals Week: 1.22-1.25

AP Seminar: Period 1

Tuesday:  TMP Prep Work with Teams: TMP Outine & TMP Rubric H.W. IRR Revision: Check your works cited and your in text citations.

Wednesday* (LATE START): TMP Prep Work with Teams

Thursday: 1, 3, 5 Final Presentations

Friday: 6,4, 2 Schedule

Mexican American Literature: Period 2, 6

Tuesday: 1. Who is a Chicano? What does a Chicano Want?  2.  Found Poems

Wednesday:“La Conciencia de la Mesitiza Towards a New Consciousness”by Gloria Anzaldua Magnetic Poems

Thursday: Write Class Reflection

Friday: Finals

English 3P Honors:

Tuesday: 1.) Final Writing Guidelines: Must be TYPED and include a WORKS CITED. 2.) Transcendentalist V. Dark Romantics Review 3.  Expert Groups and Literary Circles

Wednesday * (LATE START): Read “Against Nature”  Prepare for last Socratic Seminar of the Semester

Thursday: (1, 3, 5 Finals) Socratic Chairs a.) Are you a Transcendentalist or  Dark Romantic?  b.) Do you Agree or Disagree with Joyce Carol Oates’ stance in her essay “Against Nature”

Friday: 6,4, 2 Finals

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class 1.14-1.18

AP Seminar:

Monday: 1.) IRR Draft Revision #1: ESSAY FINAL DRAFT CHECKLIST Apply Conventions TMP Rubric

Tuesday: 1. Rubric w/ Notes 2.) TMP Student Sample #1 3.) Prep PT1 TMP Presentation Outline 1

Wednesday: 1.) Presentation Warm Up ( 2.) TMP Student Sample #2  3.) Prep TMP

Thursday: 2.) Presentation Warm Ups 2.) TMP Student Sample #3 4.) Prep TMP

Friday: 1.) IRR Final Draft Revision

Mexican American Literature

Monday: 1.) Pre-reading: “Zoot Suit” Notes, Teatro Campesino and Luis Valdez 2.)  Reading: Play and Analysis Map

Tuesday:  Reading: Play and Analysis Map

Wednesday: Zoot  Suit Analysis

Thursday:  Reading: “Who is the Chicano?” by Ruben Salazar

Friday: “Who is a Chicano” Magnetic Poems

English 3P Honors

Monday: Ch. 17-24 Literary Circles

Tuesday: The Scarlet Letter Socratic Seminar

Wednesday: Progress Check

Thursday: Quarter 2 Benchmark

Friday: Progress Check Revisions

Happy New Year!: This week in Ms. Alba’s Class 1.7-1.11

AP Seminar: Period 1

Monday: 1.) Death by Powerpoint 2.) Group Check In: Where are you at? Where do you want to be by Friday? 3.) H.W. Prepare for TIMED WRITE by Finishing Body Paragraph Outline Checklist

Tuesday: Timed Write

Wednesday: Peer Revision

Thursday: Type New Draft of IRR Body Paragraphs

Friday: 1.) Revise Final Draft 2.) H.W. Conclusion and Call to Action

Mexican American Literature: Period 2, 6

Monday: Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez Pre-Preading: Research Teams on Luis  Valdez, Teatro Campesino, and Zoot Suit Riots.

Tuesday: II. Reading: Complete Cornell Notes as you watch Zoot Suit Riots a documentary from PBS Series American Experience.

WednesdayPost Reading: Students will write a paragraph that describes the historical context of Luis Valdez’s play, Zoot Suit. 

Thursday: 1.) Pre-reading: “Zoot Suit” Notes, Teatro Campesino and Luis Valdez 2.)  Reading: Play and Analysis Map

Friday: Zoot Suit Post-Reading: Students will write an essay which summarizes the play and analyzes the symbolic value of the play’s protagonist.

English 3P Honors: Period 3 & 4

Monday: 1.) Progress Check 3.1 Peer Revision 2.) H.W. Read Ch. 17-21 by Friday 1.11!

Tuesday: 1.) The Scarlet Letter Chapter Summaries Check In 2.) Scarlet Letter Literature Circles 3.) H.W. Complete Emerson Philosophical Chairs

Wednesday: Ralph Waldo Emerson Philosophical Chairs

Thursday: Introduction to Henry David Thoreau 2.) Read from “Walden” pp. 207-216

Friday: The Scarlet Letter Literature Circles Ch. 17-21