This week in Ms. Alba’s Class 10.28-11.1

Period 1:  Mexican American Literature & Culture

This week, Mexican American Literature & Culture will use questioning to find meaning in the Aztec sun stone, write Ekphrastic Poem inspired by David Botello’s murals, and learn about La Llorona.

Monday: 1.) Finish Let the Stone Speak & Present: Video 2.) Type “Read Between the Lines” Ekphrastic Poems

Tuesday: “Dreams of Flight” Ekphrastic Poems

Wednesday: Type Ekphrastic Poems

Thursday: Watch Inocente

Friday: Introduction to La Llorona

Period 2 & 3:  AP Seminar

This week, AP Seminar after completing Question Formulation Technique will complete a mini Annotated Bibliography on the TOPIC choice for “What if at Grove” Inquiry Project and begin to search for ACADEMIC sources to UNDERSTAND and ANALYZE the problem addressed by the project.  

Monday: Finish Group Research Proposal

Tuesday: QFT #2: What if at Grove

Wednesday: Avoiding CRAAP sources by using SOAPS and Academic Sources via EBSCOHost

Thursday: SOAPS to Analyze Crediblity

Friday: EOC #2 Midterm: 1.) Identify Argument 2.) Analyze Line of Reasoning 3.) Evaluate Crediblity

English 3P Honors

This week, English 3P Honors scholars will use the writing process to revise and write a literary analysis essay on themes of assimilation and the immigration experience as they apply to Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel, The Namesake.  

Monday: Timed Write Essay Revision

H.W. Revised essay must be 800-1000 words typed MLA style and include works cited page.  See this link for resources and support.  You will turn in a hard AND digital copy.  Turn in Window is 10/30-11/4

Tuesday: Quarter 1 Benchmark

Wednesday: a. THESIS STATEMENTS b.  Power Verbs c.  Academic Terms d.  Integrating Quotes

Thursday: Type Essay in class

Friday: Building a Democracy Introduction

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 10.21-10.25

Period 1:  Mexican American Literature & Culture

This week, Mexican American Literature & Culture will use questioning to find meaning in the Aztec sun stone, write Ekphrastic Poem inspired by David Botello’s murals, and meet local poet Marilyn Montano.

Monday: 1.)“David Botello Murals: “Read Between the Lines” & “Dream of Flight” 2.) Let the Stone Speak: A Mini Inquiry Project

Tuesday: 1.) Write an Ekphrastic Poem 2.) Let the Stone Speak: Mini Inquiry Project

Wednesday: Late Start: Let the Stone Speak Presentation Prep

Thursday: 1.) Finish Let the Stone Speak & Present 2.) Type Ekphrastic Poems

Friday: Guest Speak Marilyn Montano

Period 2 & 3:  AP Seminar

This week, AP Seminar after completing Question Formulation Technique will finalize TOPIC choice for “What if at Grove” Inquiry Project and begin to search for source to UNDERSTAND and ANALYZE the problem addressed by the project.  

Monday: Question Formulation Technique for Selected Foci

Tuesday: What’s the most promising TOPIC: Gallery Walk

Wednesday: 1.) What is CREDIBILITY 2.) Use the CRAAP test to Find CREDIBLE Journalistic Sources on TOPIC in context

Thursday: Find Journalistic Sources on TOPIC in context: One Editorial and One Informational text: Write Citations.

Friday: What is an annotated bibliography?  H.W. Find Video and select interview subject.

Period 5 & 6 English 3P Honors

This week, English 3P Honors will begin to an analysis of themes connected to ASSIMILATION in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake by participating in expert corners, literary circles, and Socratic Seminar. 

Monday: Progress Check The Namesake Ch. 6-9

Tuesday: Progress Check The Namesake Revision Ch. 6-9

Wednesday: The Namesake Chapter 10-12 Expert Corners and Literary Circles

H.W. Socratic Seminar Preparation & Begin to Prep for Final

Thursday: Socratic Seminar #2

Friday: The Namesake Final Timed Write


This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 10.14-10.18

Period 1:  Mexican American Literature & Culture

This week, Mexican American Literature & Culture will present on the context after reading “Silence Concerning an Ancient Stone” by Rosario Castellanos, and write Ekphrastic Poem inspired by David Botello’s murals.

Monday: “Making Sense of Poetry for Rosario Castellanos’ poem “Silence Concerning and Ancient Stone”” Presentations

Tuesday: Tlamatinime Poetry “Where are the Roots of Men?” “Does man Possess any Truth?” “One Day we Must Go” and “Who am I?”

Wednesday: PSAT Day

Thursday:  “David Botello Murals: “Read Between the Lines” & “Dream of Flight”

Friday: “Dreams of Flight” Ekphrastic Poems

Period 2 & 3: AP Seminar

This week AP Seminar will develop “What if @ Grove” Presentations by Questioning and Exploring and Understanding & Analyzing issues selected.

Monday: 1.) What is Line of Reasoning?  How do we find it? 2.) Line of Reasoning and “This Article Won’t Change Your Mind” by Julie Beck for The Atlantic.

Tuesday: Socratic Seminar on “Why you think you are right even when you are wrong” and “This article won’t change your mind”

Wednesday: PSAT Day

Thursday: Introduction to Research: Question Formulation Technique

Friday: Understand and Analyze the Problem: Journalistic Sources

Period 5 & 6: English 3P Honors

This week, English 3P Honors Scholars will analyze the issues of ASSIMILATION through the subordinate characters and relationships in Chapters 6-9 of The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri.

Monday: Progress Check on The Namesake Ch. 1-5

H.W. Read and annotate Ch. 6-9 of The Namesake and Complete Chapter Summary that answers the essential question, “How do new characters and relationships reveal the limits of ASSIMILATION?” 

Tuesday: Progress Check Revision on The Namesake Ch. 6-9.

Wednesday: Expert Corners for Ch. 6-9 The Namesake

Thursday: Literary Circles for Ch. 6-9 The Namesake

Friday: Progress Check on Ch. 6-9 The Namesake

H.W. Finish The Namesake!  Complete Chapter Summary.

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 10.7-10.11

Period 1:  Mexican American Literature & Culture

This week, Mexican American Literature & Culture will study the context IDENTITY in Mexican American Literature and write poetry inspired by “Senior Picture” by Michelle Serros, “Silence Concerning an Ancient Stone” by Rosario Castellanos, and David Botello’s murals.

Monday: “Senior Picture” Found Poems

Tuesday: ” “Silence Concerning an Ancient Stone” a poem by Rosario Castellanos: Making Sense of Poetry 

Wednesday: (Late Start) David Botello’s “Read Between the Lines” Analysis

Thursday: Ekphrastic Poems inspired by David Botello

Friday: Poetry Cafe Day

Period 2 &3: AP Seminar

This week, AP Seminar will QUESTION & EXPLORE a SCHOOL PROBLEM and begin to contextualize arguments by identifying credible sources of information.  

Monday: 1.  Sign up for Portfolio 2. “What if” Brainstorm

Tuesday: 1. AP Class Section Instructions 2019 2. Identify Problems for Investigation: Coffeehouse Discussions

Wednesday: (Late Start) 1. “Why You think you are right even when you are wrong” by Julia Galef 2. Question Formulation Technique

Thursday: 1. Introduction to Credible Sources 2.  EBSCO Host

Friday: What is an annotated Bibliography and how why do you make one?

Period 3 & 4: English 3P Honors

MondayThe Namesake Ch. 1 & 2 Chapter SummaryThe Namesake Unit Map

H.W. Read and Summarize Ch. 3-5 by Wednesday, October 9: Complete Chapter Summary:

Tuesday: 1.) Definition of Assimilation 2.) “Indian Boy Love Song” by Sherman Alexie Analysis 3. Literary Circles for The Namesake Ch. 1-2

WednesdayThe Namesake Ch. 3-5 Chapter Summary Check and Expert Corners

H.W. Socratic Seminar on Friday 10/11 Read & Summarize Ch. 6-8 by Thursday 10/18

ThursdayThe Namesake Ch. 3-5 Chapter SummaryThe Namesake Unit Map

Friday: The Namesake Socratic Seminar