Period 1: Mexican American Literature & Culture
This week, Mexican American Literature & Culture will use questioning to find meaning in the Aztec sun stone, write Ekphrastic Poem inspired by David Botello’s murals, and meet local poet Marilyn Montano.
Monday: 1.)“David Botello Murals: “Read Between the Lines” & “Dream of Flight” 2.) Let the Stone Speak: A Mini Inquiry Project
Tuesday: 1.) Write an Ekphrastic Poem 2.) Let the Stone Speak: Mini Inquiry Project
Wednesday: Late Start: Let the Stone Speak Presentation Prep
Thursday: 1.) Finish Let the Stone Speak & Present 2.) Type Ekphrastic Poems
Friday: Guest Speak Marilyn Montano
Period 2 & 3: AP Seminar
This week, AP Seminar after completing Question Formulation Technique will finalize TOPIC choice for “What if at Grove” Inquiry Project and begin to search for source to UNDERSTAND and ANALYZE the problem addressed by the project.
Monday: Question Formulation Technique for Selected Foci
Tuesday: What’s the most promising TOPIC: Gallery Walk
Wednesday: 1.) What is CREDIBILITY 2.) Use the CRAAP test to Find CREDIBLE Journalistic Sources on TOPIC in context
Thursday: Find Journalistic Sources on TOPIC in context: One Editorial and One Informational text: Write Citations.
Friday: What is an annotated bibliography? H.W. Find Video and select interview subject.
Period 5 & 6 English 3P Honors
This week, English 3P Honors will begin to an analysis of themes connected to ASSIMILATION in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake by participating in expert corners, literary circles, and Socratic Seminar.
Monday: Progress Check The Namesake Ch. 6-9
Tuesday: Progress Check The Namesake Revision Ch. 6-9
Wednesday: The Namesake Chapter 10-12 Expert Corners and Literary Circles
H.W. Socratic Seminar Preparation & Begin to Prep for Final
Thursday: Socratic Seminar #2
Friday: The Namesake Final Timed Write