Unit 2: Introduction to Identity
Mexican American Literature Unit Essential Questions: 1. What is IDENTITY and how is it shaped by historical events? 2. How does IDENTITY shape perspetives of historical events and conflicts? 3. In what ways does literature and art serve to help us understand PERSPECTIVES of historical events such as “the conquest” of the Americas? 4. What has been the influence of literary accounts […]
Read moreUnit 4: Team Presentation and IRR
Task Overview and Goals: Students work in teams of three to five to identify, investigate, and analyze an academic or real-world problem or issue. Each team designs and/or considers options and evaluates alternatives; develops a multimedia presentation to present the argument for their proposed solution or resolution; and provides a defense to questions posed by […]
Read moreAn Age of Realism
Unit Goal: Write an analytical essay that examines the ways in which post-Civil War writers use the elements of REALISM to present and emphasize a variety of themes in response to industrialization, urban growth, and social change. Essential Question: How do 19th Century American authors explore and expand ideas of justice? Literary Terms: Realism, Naturalism, […]
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