Unit Goal:
As an introduction to AP Capstone Seminar content and expectations, students will apply Q.U.E.S.T. framework with a with a group to craft, defend, and present an argument based on the documents provided.
Essential Question:
What is the Q.U.E.S.T. framework process? (Video Clip)
Unit Terms:
QUEST, Proficiencies, argument, evidence, credibility, reliability, call to action
Objective 1: Introduction to Beauty
I. Pre-Reading: What is beauty? Give One Get One
II. Reading: “Campaign for Real Beauty” Dove Quick Analysis
III. Post-Reading: Define Beauty Reflection (TIEAC Practice)
Objective 2: Understanding Views of Beauty
I. Pre-Reading: Take a Stand on Beauty
II. Reading:
A. “Is Beauty in the eye of the Beholder or the Beholdee?” — Vivan Dillar
B. ” Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” Yusra Shah
C. ” Beauty is objective and subjective” Razub Khan
D. “Beauty” from Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson
E. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Beauty– Crispin Sortwell
III. Post-Reading: What is Beauty? Paragraph with Evidence (TIEAC w/ citation in quotes as support)
Objective 3: Arguing Beauty
I. The QUEST to Define Beauty Team Assignment Instructions: The Art of Explanation by Lee LeFever
II. Mini Research Project Rubric
III. QUEST Beauty Reflection