This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 9.30-10.5

Period 1:  Mexican American Literature & Culture

This week, Mexican American Literature & Culture will study the context IDENTITY in Mexican American Literature and analyze it in “Senior Picture” by Michelle Serros, “Silence Concerning an Ancient Stone” by Rosario Castellanos.


Tuesday: 1. Who was Michele Serros? Why did she write “Senior Picture”: Background video 2.  Close Read “What does the short story “Senior Picture Day” reveal about the narrator’s identity and her relationship to an “Indian” heritage?

Wednesday: 1. Quote Response 2. Close Read a Summary “Senior Picture”

Thursday: “A View From the Melting Pot” an Interview with Richard Rodriguez

Friday: 1.  3-2-1 Check In 2. “Silence Concerning an Ancient Stone” a poem by Rosario Castellanos: Making Sense of Poetry  2.) Turn in Notebooks: Rubric

AP Seminar: Period 2-3

Monday: 1. What are the power stance and glance? How can I use these to perform with effective poise, eye contact, and gestures?  2.  The Effective Opening: What are some strategies to get my audience’s attention and engagement? 

Tuesday: PVLEG Practice: students will present an argument using PVLEG strategies.

Wednesday:PVLEG Practice: students will present an argument using PVLEG strategies.

Thursday: PVLEG Reflection

Friday: The What If… Project: Introduction & Outline


English 3P Honors, Period 5-6

Monday: Progress Check 1.2 Irony and Anecdote in Amy Tan’s Mother Tongue & Richard Rodriguez’s “Blaxicans and Other Reinvented Americans”

TuesdayProgress Check Revision and Progress Check Reflection Log

H.W.) Read Viet Thanh NguyenThe Immigrant’s Fate is Everyone’s”

Wednesday: Socratic Seminar #2 Prep: Collection 1 Socratic SeminarSocratic Seminar Question Stems

Thursday: 1.) Collection 1 Socratic SeminarSocratic Seminar Evaluation Guide

Friday:  Cultural Exchange at the Library Media Center

H.W. Read Ch. 1-2 The Namesake by Jhumpa LahiriSummarize Chapters 

  • Big Question for Chapter 1-2 (pp. 1-47): How does Lahiri’s characterization of Ashoke and Ashima begin to introduce the idea of ASSIMILATION to the reader? How does it compare to Richard Rodriguez’s stance in “Blaxicans and Other Invented Americans”? 

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 9.23-9.27

Period 1:  Mexican American Literature & Culture

This week, Mexican American Literature & Culture will study the context IDENTITY in Mexican American Literature and analyze it in “Senior Picture” by Michelle Serros, “Silence Concerning an Ancient Stone” by Rosario Castellanos.

Monday: Finish “When World Collide” The untold story of the Americas after Columbus”

Tuesday: Write a Summary “When Worlds Collide”

Wednesday: “Senior Picture” by Michele Serros

Thursday: Write a Summary “Senior Picture”

Friday: Turn in Notebooks and Type Summary of Choice

Period 2 & 3:  AP Seminar

This week AP Seminar will read and write analyses of arguments on education and will prepare to deliver an individual argument using PVLEGS.

Monday: EOC Practice: Section A

Tuesday: EOC Revision

Wednesday: 1. Argument Outline 2. Three Minute Thesis 3. How to avoid Death by Powerpoint by David JP Phillips

Thursday:  Speed Practice & Create Flip Grid Videos

Friday: 1.  Notebook Reflections 2. FlipGrid Dress Rehearsal Screenings

H.W. Practice Individual Performance with Peer Coach.

English 3P Honors

This week English 3P Honors will read and write analyses of arguments on IMMIGRATION and ASSIMILATION.

Monday: The Crucible Philosophical Chairs: The Crucible Paragraph due Friday

Tuesday: Progress Check Revision

H.W. Read “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan in Close Reader complete annotations in book and analysis question in NOTEBOOK 

Wednesday: 1.) Introduction to “Blaxicans and Other Reinvented America” 2.) Richard Rodriguez  Compare Rodriguez and Tan’s use of ANECDOTE & IRONY to convey views of ASSIMILATION.“Blaxicans and Other Reinvented Americans” by Richard Rodriguez 

Thursday: 1.) Write Comparative Summary of Rodriguez and Tan

Friday: a.  Turn in The Crucible Paragraphs b. Coffeehouse Discussion

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 9.16-9.20

Period 1:  Mexican American Literature & Culture

This week, Mexican American Literature & Culture will familiarize with THEMES of IDENTITY in Mexican American Literature by reading Frank Mundo’s essay “How I Became a Mexican” and learning about the historical contexts of race in Mexico and Latin American.

Monday: 1. Notebook Set Up for 9.16-10.4 2.  “How I Became a Mexican” by Frank Mundo

Tuesday: Summarize “How I Became a Mexican” by Frank Mundo

Wednesday: Watch “When Worlds Collide: The untold story of the Americas after Columbus”

Thursday: Finish “When World Collide” The untold story of the Americas after Columbus”

Friday: Write a Summary “When Worlds Collide”


Period 2 & 3:  AP Seminar

This week AP Seminar will read and write analyses of arguments on education and will prepare to deliver there own individual argument.  

Monday: Summarizing Statement Checklist 2. H.W. “Encouraging Learning” Hsun Tzu H.W.  “Dropping out of College” by Rainford Stauffer (newspaper editorial)

Tuesday: 1.) I’ll take that one 2.)   “Dropping out of College” by Rainford Stauffer (newspaper editorial)

Wednesday: Film “He named me Malala”

Thursday: Write a Summary “He named me Malala” H.W.  “Dropping out of College and Paying the Price” by Eduardo Porter

Friday: EOC Section I a. Identify Argument b. identify the line of reasoning c.  evaluate credibility

Period 5 & 6: English 3P Honors

This week we will read and analyze use of ALLUSION & IMAGERY in “Of Plymouth Plantation” by William Bradford and discuss Arthur Miller’s The Crucible in a philosophical chairs discussion to build our understanding of Collection 1: Coming to America.

Monday: 1. The Dangers of a Single Story Summary and Response 2. What is TIEAC?  3.  H.W. The Crucible: Speaking and Writing Assignment

Tuesday: Read “Of Plymouth Plantation” by William Bradford to understand his CLAIM and explain how he uses IMAGERY AND ALLUSION as support (William Bradford Slides).  

Wednesday: “Of Plymouth Plantation” by William Bradford Dialectical Journal Share Outs

Thursday: 1. “Of Plymouth Plantation” Coffeehouse Discussion 2. Notebook Reflection and Self-Assessment

Friday: 1.) “Of Plymouth Plantation” Progress Check 1.2 2. H.W. The Crucible: Philosophical Chairs and Writing Assignment

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 9.9-9.13

Period 1:  Mexican American Literature & Culture

This week, Mexican American Litearture & Culture will explore important terms and themes that are related to Mexican American Literature & Culture.  

Monday: 1. Introduction to THEMES and ISSUES in ETHNIC STUDIES: Philosophical Chairs

Tuesday: Introduction to Terms:  Race, Ethnicity, Nationality: Gallery Walk

WednesdayIdentity Corners

Thursday: Family Search

Friday: Notebook Reflection & Family Search

Period 2 & 3:  AP Seminar

This week AP Seminar will

Monday: 1.)  The Art of Explanation 2.) Individual Reflection for Presentation 3. Group Reflection

Tuesday: Score THIS! EOC Anchor Analysis & Reflection

Wednesday:1.) Close Reading AP Sem 2.) What is the purpose of education?

Thursday: 1.). OPTIC Analysis: “The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters” by Francisco Goya

H.W. Read & Annotate: 2.) “Encouraging Learning” by Hsun Tzu and Watch “The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato

Friday:  Socratic Seminar: Compare “Encouraging Learning” by Hsun Tzu and “The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato

Period 5 & 6: English 3P Honors

This week after self-assessing writing and building goals, English 3P Honors Scholars will build background knowledge to prepare for Collection 1: Coming to America.

Monday: 1. Writing Self-Assessment & Goal: Revision Guide 2.) What is TIEAC? 2.) 1A. Summer Novel Reader Response b. 2A. Sample Response Q. 

Tuesday: 1.) Collection Quote 2.) Immigration Graffiti Wall 3. Family Search (Lines of Communication)

Wednesday🙂 What are “The Dangers of a Single Story” according to Chimamanda Ngonzi Adichie?  Do you agree? Why or why not?

Thursday: Socratic Chairs ““The Dangers of a Single Story”” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Summary Template

Friday: What is TIEAC? 2.) 1A. Summer Novel Reader Response b. 2A. Sample Response Q. 

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 9.3-9.6

Mexican American Literature: Period 1

The week’s ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why Ethnic Studies?  What does it have to do with you? 

Tuesday: 1. Community Agreements 2. Google Classroom Set-Up 3.  Why Ethnic Studies Matters? By Ron Espiritu

Wednesday: 1.  Reflection: According to Ron Espiritu, why do Ethnic Studies Matter? 2.  Mexican American Literature K-W-L 3.  Introduction to Terms: Gallery Walk

Thursday:  1. Response to Why Ethnic Studies Matters? By Ron Espiritu 2. Why Not Ethnic Studies? 3. Mexican American Literature K-W-L

Friday: 1. Introduction to THEMES and ISSUES in ETHNIC STUDIES: Philosophical Chairs

AP Seminar: Period 2 & 3

The week’s ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why the Q.U.E.S.T. for Beauty? 

Tuesday: 1.Reading: “Campaign for Real Beauty” Dove Quick Analysis 2. Q.U.E.S.T for Beauty Group Project: Directions Rubric


H.W. Read Q.U.E.S.T. for Beauty Articles

A. “Is Beauty in the eye of the Beholder or the Beholdee?” — Vivan Dillar

B. ” Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” Yusra Shah

C. ” Beauty is objective and subjective” Razub Khan

D. “Beauty” from Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson

E. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Beauty– Crispin Sortwell

Wednesday: Group Work Day #1

Thursday: Group Work Day #2

Friday: Group Presentation

H.W. Post-Reading DUE MONDAYWhat is Beauty? Paragraph with Evidence (TIEAC w/ citation in quotes as support)

English 3P Honors: Period 5 & 6


Tuesday: Diagnostic Assessment: Argumentative Single Point Rubric

Wednesday 1.) Socratic Seminar Reflection and Evaluation 2.) Discipline Visits

Thursday: 1.) Writing Rubric: Argumentative Anchor Calibrations

Friday: 1. Writing Self-Assessment & Goal Setting