Unit Goal:
After applying the QUESTION FORMULATION TECHNIQUE and examining and evaluating multiple perspectives on the concept of power, students will use Q.U.E.S.T. framework with a group to write research question that is accompanied by an annotated bibliography, literature review, and present an argument on Perspectives on Power.
Essential Questions:
- What is power? How do I define power and how do I exercise power in the world?
- How has the idea of power changed across time? How has this influenced individuals, relationships, and organizations?
- What problems or conflicts are caused or exacerbated by ideas about “power”?
- Does power really corrupt?
- How can an understanding of power through multiple lenses help improve individual lives? communities? Systems?
Previous Unit Terms we will continue to apply: Argument, Purpose, Evidence, Tone, Reliability, Credibility, Bias, Context, Line of Reasoning, Analysis, Commentary, Counterargument, Call to Action
New Unit Terms: Rhetoric, Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Perspective, Lens, Evidence, Logical Fallacy, Implications, Limitations
Objective 1: Question and Explore Perspectives of POWER
Questioning begins with an initial exploration of complex topics or issues. Perspectives and questions emerge that spark one’s curiosity, leading to an investigation that challenges and expands the boundaries of one’s current knowledge.
I. Pre-Reading: Introduction to QUESTION FORMULTATION TECHNIQUE & Concept of POWER
II. Reading:
a.) Bosse, Abraham. “Frontispiece to Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan, 1651.” Reading the World: Ideas that Matter, edited Michael Austin. 3rd Ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. 2016. p. 451.
b.) Mori, Fransciska. “Portraits of Power.” The Telegraph. 12 October 2010. Web.
III. Writing: SUMMARY that compares PERSPECTIVES on power that illustrations and portraits depict?
Objective 2: Understand and Analyze Arguments on POWER
Understanding various perspectives requires contextualizing arguments and evaluating the authors’ claims and lines of reasoning.
I. Pre-Reading: Tea Party Discussion on “Power/Knowledge” by Michel Foucault
II. Reading:
a. Machiavelli, Niccolo. “from The Prince.” Reading the World: Ideas that Matter, edited Michael Austin. 3rd Ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. 2016. p. 405-412 (Philosophy)
b. Shea, Christopher. “Why Power Corrupts.” Smithsonian Magazine. October 2012. Web.
c. Torgovnik May, Kate. “5 basic skills of power and how you can learn to use them.” Ideas.TED.Com. Web.
III. Post Reading Discussion: Use Question Formulation Technique to prepare for Socratic Seminar Discussion.
Objective 3: Evaluate Multiple Perspectives on POWER
Evaluating an issue involves considering and evaluating multiple perspectives both individually and in comparison to one another.
I. Pre-Reading: Zimbardo Prison Study Video to instigate a Questioning of POWER from Multiple Perspectives Discussion
II. Reading:
a. Liu, Eric. “Why Ordinary People Need to Understand Power.” TED, September 2013.
b. Decelles, Katherine. ““Does Power Corrupt or Enable? When and Why Power Facilitates Self-Interested Behavior.”” Journal of Applied Psychology, 97, 681-689.
III. Post Reading: RAVEN ANALYSIS & Comparative Summary
Objective 4: Synthesize Multiple Perspectives on POWER
Synthesizing others’ ideas with one’s own may lead to new understandings and is the foundation of a well-reasoned argument that conveys one’s perspective.
I. Pre-Reading: Gallery Walk on POWER PORTRAITS
II. Reading: Develop a LENS FOCUS for RESEARCH on POWER using EBSCO Host and other CREDIBLE SOURCES. Share research by completing an annotated bibliography.
III. Post-Reading: Share research with by completing an annotated bibliography that includes a RAVEN ANALYSIS for all of the following 1.) VIDEO 2.) TWO ONLINE NEWS SOURCES 3.) ESSAY FROM TEXTBOOK, and 4.) TWO PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES FROM EBSCOHOST .
Objective 5: Team, Transform, and Transmit Research Finding on POWER
Teaming allows one to combine personal strengths and talents with those of others to reach a common goal. Transformation and growth occur upon thoughtful reflection. Transmitting requires the adaptation of one’s message based on audience and context.
I. Pre-Writing: Team Project and Presentation Rubric, Team Charter and Agreements
II. Reading: Team Project and Presentation Samples
III. Post Reading: Presentation, Individual Research Report (IRR Student Samples), and Reflection
a.) PVLEGS: a Guide to Public Speaking