English 3P: Notes and Handouts 4.27-5.1

By reading and annotating F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, students will be able to 1.)  evaluate philosophical attitudes and views of the American Dream and 2.) identify Modernist features of subversion, alienation, and antiheroes 3.) analyze the use of symbolism and archetype to convey theme. 

4.27 The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby Chapter 7

4.28 The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby Chapter 8

4.29 5.1 The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby Chapter 9

4.30 The Great Gatsby: Progress Check Workshop and Writing Evaluation

5.1 The Great Gatsby Chapter 7-9 Progress Check: 1:) Can you summarize Chapter 7-9 2.) Identify Modernist philosophical and aesthetic features 3.) Evaluate Fitzgerald’s use of SYMBOLS to convey views of the American Dream. 

Mexican American Literature and Culture: 4.27-5.1

After analyzing POINT OF VIEW in popular corridos students will be able to identify central argument and purpose of archetype by completing analytical summaries, SOAPS Analysis, and writing their own corrido based on important post-Mexican American war figure.

4.27 Introduction to Corridos: What is a corrido? an archetype?

4.28 El Corrido de Joaquin Murrieta, El Corrido de Gregorio Cortez

4.29 Post-Reading: Analytical SummarySOAPS ANALYSIS, Write your Own Corrido

4.29 Writing Workshop: Write your Own Corrido

5.1 Corrido Performances

Mexican American Literature and Culture: 4.20-4.24 Notes and Handouts

Hän haluaa löytää tosi lääkkeet, jotka pysyvät insuliinina oikeassa linjassa tämän verkkosivuston apteekista varauksetta! Et halua tarkistaa lääkäriä ja saada reseptiä. Halvimmat hinnat ja tyytyväisyys. Onko Olemassa Mitään Vasta-Aiheet? Allergia metformiini tai jokin muu osa lääkitys diabeettinen ketoasidoosi, diabeettisen trance kaltainen tila munuaisten pettymys tai heikentynyt munuaisten kapasiteetti (kreatiniini vapaus – 60 ml / min,) voimakkaasti vastaava, josta on vaarana munuaisten murtuneena, näkö, kuivumista, vakava vastaamaton vaivoja, tain loputonta sairauksia, tällaisista vaatimuksista etenemistä hypoksiaa: sydän-tai hengityselinten pettymys, myöhemmin sydänlihaksen paikallinen kuolio, tainnuttaa maksan pettymys, kova viina haittaa, viinan väärinkäyttö Muista Metformiinin glukofage laihtumiseen ja laihtuminen ovat turvallisia vain, jos se toteutetaan valvonnassa 3333333333 “.
After analyzing POINT OF VIEW in popular corridos students will be able to identify central argument and purpose of archetype by completing analytical summaries, SOAPS Analysis, and writing their own corrido based on important post-Mexican American war figure.

4.20 Writer’s Workshop: Manifest Destiny Dialogue Poems

4.21 Progress Check: The Metanarrative of Manifest Destiny

4.22 Introduction to Corridos: What is a corrido? an archetype?

4.23 El Corrido de Joaquin Murrieta, El Corrido de Gregorio Cortez

4.24 Post-Reading: Analytical SummarySOAPS ANALYSIS, Write your Own Corrido

English 3P Honors: 4.20-4.24 Weekly Updates

Weekly Objective: Students will be able to write an analysis of the theme of the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby and identify archetypes, symbols, and imagery which contribute to the modernist aesthetic and point of view.

4.20 Modernist features in The Great Gatsby Chapter 4-6: How does Fitzgerald begin to reveal the qualities of the ARCHETYPAL ANTI-HERO?

4.21 Progress Check on Gatsby Chapter 4-6: Homework Begin Chapter 7

4.22 Progress Check Revision and Peer Assessment: Finish Chapter 7

4.23 The Great Gatsby Chapter 7 Discussion: Homework Read Chapter 8

4.24 The Great Gatsby Chapter 8: Discussion

HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 9


English 3P: 4.20-4.24 Notes and Handouts

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By reading and annotating F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, students will be able to 1.)  evaluate philosophical attitudes and views of the American Dream and 2.) identify Modernist features of subversion, alienation, and antiheroes 3.) analyze the use of symbolism and archetype to convey theme. 

4.20 Review The Great Gatsby Chapter 5

4.21 Progress Check on The Great Gatsby Chapter 4-6: Define Modernism and identify its features, Summarize Chapter 4-6, Evaluate Gatsby as an Artchetypal AntiHero

4.22 The Great Gatsby Chapter 4-6 Progress Check Assessment and Peer Evaluation

4.23 The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby Chapter 7

4.24 The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby Chapter 8

Homework: Finish Chapter 8

English 3P Honors: 4.13-4.17 Notes and Handouts

Weekly Objective: Students will be able to write an analysis of the theme of the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby and identify archetypes, symbols, and imagery which contribute to the modernist aesthetic and point of view.

4.13 The Great Gatsby Progress Check #1: Peer Evaluation and Revision, Research Paper Direction and Guidelines

4.14 The Great Gatsby Chapter 4 Analysis: Who is Jay Gatsby?  How does chapter 4 begin to reveal the qualities of the ARCHETYPAL ANTI-HERO?

4.15 The Great Gatsby Chapter 4 Analysis

4.16 Gatsby Socratic Seminar Preparation

4.17 The Great Gatsby Chapter 5  Socratic Seminar: “Who is Jay Gatsby?  Is he really great?” Socratic Seminar Evaluation Form

HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 6: Progress Check on Chapter 4-6 on Monday!

Read supplemental Resource: The Anti-Heros Journey

English 3P: 4.13-4.17 Notes and Handouts

By reading and annotating F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, students will be able to 1.)  evaluate philosophical attitudes and views of the American Dream and 2.) identify Modernist features of subversion, alienation, and antiheroes 3.) analyze the use of symbolism and archetype to convey theme. 

3.13 Review The Great Gatsby Chapter 3

3.14 Progress Check on The Great Gatsby Chapter 3: Define Modernism and identify its features, Summarize Chapter 1-3, Evaluate narrator and tone in Chapters 1-3

3.15 The Great Gatsby Chapter 3 Progress Check Assessment and Peer Evaluation

3.16 The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby Chapter 4

3.17 The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby Chapter 4

Homework: Read The Great Gatsby Chapter 5

Mexican American Literature: 4.13-4.17 Notes and Handouts

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WEEKLY OBJECTIVE: After analyzing POINT OF VIEW in John Gasts’s “American Progress” and reading an excerpt of John O’Sullivan’s essay “The Great Nation of Futurity,” students will be able to identity central argument and purpose by completing ANALYTICAL SUMMARIES and SOAPS Analysis.

3.13   “The Great Nation of Futurity” Analytical Summary & ““The Power of an Idea” by Miguel Ángel González Quiroga

3.14 “Native American Displacement Amid U.S. Expansion” A Conversation With R. David Edmunds from University of Texas at Dallas, “Never Forget” by Lalo Alcaraz

3.15 “Never Forget” by Lalo Alcaraz

3.16 4 Square Discussion

3.17 Unit Debrief Poems

Party @ Tom and Myrtle’s Guiding Questions

1.  Why are the guest’s not appalled by Tom’s violence?

Experts Brandon & Danny: They are not appalled because Myrtle is still seen as an object and she has no rights.  Additionally he is of a high class and is stronger than everyone else.  The guests choose to ignore it because they are scared of his masculinity, they do not want to interfere with a man who has money and power, or they just feel that Myrtle deserved it.  

2. What do all the guests have in common?

Expert Nhan: They are all cheaters.

3.  Why is there a party at Tom and Myrtle’s?

4. Why does Nick go along with Tom’s affair?

Expert Monica: Daisy already knows something is going on and Nick believes there is no point in making things worse by standing up against it.  He also doesn’t want to get in between family.

Expert Daniel S.: Anti-Eden archetype!  Nick is curious and he is tempted by subversiveness of the affair.  Myrtle represent an Eve figure or temptress archetype.  

5.  What view of marriage is communicated by the chapter?

Expert Phuoc: Marriage is all about social class.  In the story people want to marry someone who is higher class.  Myrtle initially believed her husband was a “gentleman” but found out it wasn’t true.  Now she is with Tom because he is from a higher class.

Expert Phuong: Marriage is not about love, it is about wealth and social class. 

6. Why does Tom get defensive about Myrtle saying Daisy’s name?

Expert Clarissa: Tom gets defensive because he doesn’t want to get reminded of the bad thing he is doing.  

Expert Jesus: He doesn’t want to be reminded of the immorality he is participating in.  

Expert Khadija: Because Myrtle is not respecting Tom’s marriage.