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MONDAY: Introduction to Ralph Waldo Emerson
Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.
Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.
AGENDA: 1. Turn in hard copy of Unit 1 Final Essays: Enconters Final 2. Romanticism Paragraph 3. Emerson’s Transcendentalism
Handouts: Notes.
Homework: Enconters Final due in GOOGLE CLASSROOM on November 2 (class code: d8dhl6) ! Quarter 1 Benchmark on November 4
TUESDAY: “NATURE” by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.
Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.
AGENDA: 1. Read an annotate Nature 2. Complete SAYS MEANS MATTERS in PODS
Handouts: Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes, SAYS MEANS MATTERS
Homework: Summarize “Nature,” in your Notebook, Quarter 1 Benchmark on November 4
THURSDAY: “Self Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.
Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.
AGENDA: 1. Read an annotate “Self Reliance”
Handouts: Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes
Homework:Summarize “Self Reliance” in your Notebook
FRIDAY: Analyze METAPHOR in “Self Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.
Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.
AGENDA: Complete SAYS MEANS MATTERS with Partners
Homework:Summarize “Self Reliance” in your Notebook, Progress Check 2.1 on Monday!