This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 3.9-3.13

“Marketplace at Tlatelolco”

Period 1: Mexican American Literature and Culture

This week, Mexican American Literature Scholars will compare the ideas of Mexican American Scholars Gloria Anzaldua and Richard Rodriguez and analyze these concepts through Nahuatl poetry and Rosario Castellano’s “Silence Concerning an Ancient Stone.”

MONDAY: Rodriguez v. Anzaldua Comparative Summary of Mexican American Identity

TUESDAY: 1. Pick a Quote 2. “Making Sense of Poetry for Rosario Castellanos’ poem “Silence Concerning an Ancient Stone”” by Rosario Castellanos: Poetry Summary Template

WEDNESDAY (Late Start): Type and Turn in Analysis of Rosario Castellanos “Silence Concerning an Ancient Stone”

THURSDAY: Nahuatl Poetry

FRIDAY: Poetry Stations

AP Seminar: Period 2 & 3

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class we will develop our Team Multimedia Presentation and receive critical feedback to ensure that we meet College Board Rubric Requirements.

MONDAY: 1.) Watch AP TMP Demo 2.)




FRIDAY: Dress Rehearsals

English 3P Honors: Period 5-6

MONDAYVideo Introduction to Realism 2.) Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” as a NATURALIST text

H.W. Read and write Chapter Summary Ch. 1-10 of The Awakening by Kate Chopin 

TUESDAY: Literary Circles for Jack London’s “To Build A Fire” Ch. 1-10 of The Awakening

WEDNESDAY: Literary Circles for Ch. 1-10 of The Awakening

THURSDAY: Progress Check 5.1

FRIDAY: Progress Check 5.1 Peer Revisions


This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 3.2-3.6

Kanadische Apotheke. Im Internet Drogeriemarkt. Weltweit Liefern. Jeder Würde Gerne Vertrauenswürdig Innerhalb Der Apotheke Im World Wide Web [URRLL] Vorbehaltlos Einkaufen! Mit Großem Rabatt. Ich Habe Es Dort Ohne Rezept Erworben.

Period 1: Mexican American Literature and Culture

This week, Mexican American Literature Scholars will understand the historical context of race in Latin America and analyze the impact on contemporary Mexican American identity by reading Ruben Salazar’s “What is the Chicano?” and Gloria Anzaldua’s “Toward a Mestiza Consciousness.” 

Monday: “When Worlds Collide” Narrated by Ruben Martinez

Tuesday: “When Worlds Collide” Narrated by Ruben Martinez

WednesdaySummarizing Statement Frame Statement for “When Worlds Collide” and read “A View From the Melting Pot” by Richard Rodriguez

Thursday: “La Conciencia de la Mestiza Towards a New Consciousness” by Gloria Anzaldua

Friday: 1.) Finish Reading Anzaldua 2.) Analytical Summary for “When World’s Collide” 2.) Rodriguez Comparative Summmary of Mexican American Identity

AP Seminar: Period 2 & 3

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class we will develop our Team Multimedia Presentation and receive critical feedback to ensure that we meet College Board Rubric Requirements.

Monday: Work on IRR Conclusions

Tuesday: 1.) Use IRR Rubric Read Around in Teams

Wednesday Team Multimedia Presentation Prep: Alba‘s thinking while you present & TMP Rubric

Thursday: Use PVLEG to Prepare for Tech Rehearsal: Monday/ Dress Rehearsal Tuesday


English 3P Honors: Period 3, 4

This week in English 3P Honors, we will learn the features of Realist art and literature and analyze those features in Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” and Ch. 1-10 of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening.

Monday: Finish Harriet & Registration

Tuesday: 1. Finish Presentations 2. Introduction to Realism:  What is reality according to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave ? 3.) Introduction to RealismVideo Introduction to Realism

Wednesday: 1.) Introduction to RealismVideo Introduction to Realism

ThursdayNaturalist Features in Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”

FridayVideo Introduction to Realism 2.) Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”

H.W. Read and Summarize Ch. 1-10 of The Awakening by Kate Chopin 


This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 2.24-2.28

Period 1: Mexican American Literature and Culture

This week, Mexican American Literature Scholars will apply IDENTITY TERMS and  to IDENTITY CORNERS discussion and COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS of Frank Mundo’s “How I Became a Mexican”, Michele Serros “Senior Picture” and Gloria Anzaldua’s “Toward a Chicana Consciousness.” 

Monday: 1.) 3-2-1- Check In and Notebook Self- Evaluation (Interactive Notebook Rubric) 2.) Give One Get One Discussion of “Senior Picture Day”

Tuesday: 1.) Identity Quote Analysis 2.) “Michele Serros on La Plaza” Part 1 & Part 2 3.) Comparative Summmary

Wednesday: Mexican/ Latinx/ Hispanic/ Chican@: What the difference? 2.) Gloria Anzaldua

Thursday: Discuss “Toward a Consciencia Mestiza” 2.) Who is the Chicano? What does the Chicano Want by Ruben Salazar

Friday: Field Trip to UCI

Period 2 & 3: AP Seminar

This week, AP Seminar Scholars will understand and Analyze arguments regarding their disciplinary focus by completing an annotated bibliography and writing BODY PARAGRAPHS OF Individual Research Report.

Monday: Timed Write Body Paragraphs

Tuesday: Peer Revision for IRR Body Paragraphs

Wednesday: Research Day

Thursday: Research Report Back Day

Friday: Field Trip to UCI

H.W.  Write the Conclusion to IRR

Period 5 & 6: English 3P Honors

This week, English 3P Honors Scholars will recite Dialogue Poems and present speeches on Views of Freedom.

Monday: Dialogue Poem Recitations

Tuesday: Work on Views of Freedom Group Presentation

Wednesday: Views of Freedom Group Presentation

Thursday: Views of Freedom Presentation Day 1

Friday: Field Trip to UCI


This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 2.18-2.21

Period 1: Mexican American Literature and Culture

This week, Mexican American Literature Scholars will define IDENTITY TERMS and apply these to philosophical chairs discussion and analysis of Frank Mundo’s “How I Became a Mexican”, Michele Serros “Senior Picture” and Al Madrigal’s “Half Like Me.” 

Tuesday: 1.) Guest Speaker: Frank Mundo, “How I Became a Mexican”

Wednesday: 1.) Identity Terms 2.) Identity Corners 3.) Al Madrigal “Half Like Me” Part 1

Thursday: 1) Identity Quote Analysis 2.) “Senior Picture” by Michele Serros

Friday: Compare “Senior Picture” and “How I Became a Mexican” by Frank Mundo

Period 2 & 3: AP Seminar

This week, AP Seminar Scholars will understand and Analyze arguments regarding their disciplinary focus by completing an annotated bibliography and introduction to Individual Research Report.

Tuesday: Timed Write Introduction

Wednesday: Peer Revision for IRR Introduction

Thursday: Research Day

Friday: Research Day

H.W. By Monday Annotated Bibliography with at least 10 sources, TYPE INTRODUCTION

Period 5 & 6: English 3P Honors

This week, English 3P Honors Scholars will write Dialogue and Ekphrastic Poems and Prepare a photo essay on “Freedom.”

Tuesday: Dialogue Poems

Wednesday: Ekphrastic Poems

Thursday: Photo Essay Day 1

Friday: Photo Essay Day 2

H.W. Photo Essay Group Presentation Due on Monday

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 2.10-2.13

Mexican American Literature: Period 1

This week, Mexican American Literature Scholars will define IDENTITY TERMS and apply these to philosophical chairs discussion and analysis of Al Madrigal’s “Half Like Me.” 

Monday: “Why Ethnic Studies Matter” by Ron Espiritu: Dialectical Journal

Tuesday: “Why not Ethnic Studies” PBS NewsHour: Dialectical Journal

Wednesday:  Philsophical Chairs (Handout)

Thursday: Finish Philsophical Chairs (Handout) Start “Half Like Me” by Al Madrigal

AP Seminar: Period 2 & 3

This week we will QUESTION and EXPLORE previous learning about effective teams and UNDERSTAND and ANALYZE interests to identify a TOPIC for performance task 1 Team Multimedia Presentation. 

Monday: 1.  Group Folders 2. Identify the problem with your Topic 3.) QFT with PROBLEM FOCUS

Tuesday: 1. Write Research Purpose Statement

Wednesday: Finalize Research Question

Thursday: Research Day 1.) Report Back on Article 2.) H.W. Find three articles and use SOAPS or Summary Template to Add to Annotated Bibliography

English 3P Honors: Period 5 & 6

This week we will compare views of FREEDOM communicated by speeches by Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass by writing comparative summaries, writing dialogue poems, and discussing the relevance of their ideas to contemporary American culture and society.  

Monday: 1.  The New Birth of Freedom: Notes 2.) Close Read “Second Inaugural Address” by Abraham Lincoln and complete TPCCC Analysis that also evaluates the use of RHETORICAL TRIANGLE A New Birth of Freedom: Lincoln Douglass

Tuesday: 1.  Complete TPCCC Analysis 2.  Frederick Douglass Background 3. Read What to the Slave is the Fourth of July by Frederick Douglass: complete TPCCC Analysis that also evaluates the use of RHETORICAL TRIANGLE.

Wednesday: Finish Reading What to the Slave is the Fourth of July by Frederick Douglass: complete TPCCC Analysis that also evaluates the use of RHETORICAL TRIANGLE.

Thursday:  Write a Compare and Contrast Summary of Lincoln and Douglass



This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 2.3-2.7

Mexican American Literature and Culture: Period 1

The week’s ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why Ethnic Studies?  What does it have to do with you? 

Monday: The Dangers of Single Story by Chimamanda Adichie: Cornell Notes

Tuesday: 1.) Analytical Summary on The Dangers of a Single Story 2.) Zine Cover: Title and Symbol

Wednesday (LATE START): 1.)  Judge my Book Zine Cover: Title and Symbol and Bio

Thursday: 1. Introduction to THEMES and ISSUES in ETHNIC STUDIES: Why Ethnic Studies Matters? By Ron Espiritu

Friday: “Inocente”: How do art and culture give Inocente a sense of place and identity?

AP Seminar: Period 2 & 3

This week we will be building TEAMs with clear agreements on a system of process, support, and accountability.  

Monday: Team Vision and Mission 2.) Team Names 3.) Project Charter

Tuesday: 1.) Finish Project Charter 2.) Begin Topic Selection

Wednesday (LATE START): Draft Research Question using Question Formulation Technique

Thursday: Finalize TOPIC and Decide on Disciplinary Focus

Friday: Write Individual Research Proposals with Discipline Focus

HW.  Revise Speeches and Complete form for YOUTH SPEAK essay contest.  

English 3P Honors: Period 5 & 6

This week we will be analyzing the concept of Freedom and the historical context of Collection 4: The New Birth of Freedom.

Monday: 1.) Read the Civil War and Reconstruction pp. 277-278 and write Haiku 2.) Begin Historical Thought Leaders Gallery Walk

Tuesday: 1.) Thought Leaders FREEDOM Gallery Walk: Collect Quotes 2.) Collect Responses 3.) Write Reflection

Wednesday (Late Start): Freedom Found Poems

Thursday: 1.) Re-read “Runagate Runagate  by Robert Hayden: What is the effect of Hayden’s use ALLUSIONs and multiple voices in “Runagate, Runagate”

Friday: Type 1.) Freedom Reflection 2) 2 poems of choice and and 3.) Summarize “Runagate Runagate” by Robert Hayden

First week of 2020 Spring Semester in Ms. Alba’s Class: 1.28-1.31

Mexican American Literature: Period 1

Tuesday:1.) Class Orientation & Tech Connect  2.) Mexican American Literature Syllabus3.)“Advice to Young Poets”  Quick Analysis

Wednesday: 1.) In Lak Kech: Community Agreements & Poem Analysis

Thursday: 1.)What’s in a Name? (LINES OF COMMUNICATION)

Friday: “Judge a book” by the Cover set up class Portfolio

AP Seminar: Period 2 & 3

Tuesday: 1.) Introduction to Task 1 of AP Seminar Portfolio 2.) Speech Debrief and Turn In 3.) Creativity

Wednesday: TMP Reflection H.W. TIPP3C for Performance Task 1

Thursday: IRR Rubric Reflection  H.W. DUE FRIDAY FlipGrid Interviews & Team Request: What did you learn about being successful in a team by participating in the MOCK TMP?  How will you apply this learning to the first AP Seminar Performance Task that includes an IRR and TMP?

Friday: Topic Selection & Research Proposal Guide

English 3P Honors: Period 3 & 4

Tuesday:  1. Unit Introduction: Robeson Collection Quote Analysis 2.  Freedom Collective Poems

Wednesday: 1. Freedom Collective Poems Revision 2. Read “Civil War and Reconstruction” p. 277

Thursday: 1.)  FOUND POEMS on  “Civil War and Reconstruction” p. 277  b.)  Gallery Walk: Views of Freedom: FREEDOM Gallery Walk

Friday: 1.) “Runagate Runagate  by Robert Hayden 2.) Found poem Workshop

Final Essay Support

Purpose: YOUR Literary ANALYSIS FINAL Essay will be evidence of your ability to use FEEDBACK to revise and refine your writing.  Use the resources below to revise your original timed write and show growth. Your essay MUST BE 800-1000 words TYPED in MLA FORMAT.  Use all previous work and the following resources as support.  

  1. ESSAY Single Point Rubric for TIMED WRITE
  3. Sample Literary Analysis Essay synthesis
  4. How to format essay in MLA Format on Google Docs
  5. Literary Analysis Thesis Guide: Video
  6. Powerful Verbs for Essays
  7. The Ten Commandments of Literary Quotation
  8. Sentence Variety
  9. How to submit using TURN IT IN: Video
  10. Works Cited & MLA Style Resources

Finals Week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 1.21-1.24

Mexican American Literature: Period 1

This week in Mexican American Literature and Culture, scholars will compare archetypes in Rudolfo Anaya’s novel Bless Me Ultima and Luis Valdez’s Zoot Suit.  

Tuesday: “Zoot Suit” Notes

Wednesday: Finish “Zoot Suit” Notes

Thursday: FINALS Compare archetypes in Zoot Suit and Bless Me Ultima


AP Seminar: Period 2 & 3

Tuesday: Tech Rehearsal

Wednesday: Record Final Speeches

Thursday: Period 3 Finals and Semester Reflection

Friday: Period 2 Finals and Semester Reflection

English 3P Honors: Period 5 & 6


H.W. Benchmarks and Notebooks on Thursday and Friday, The Scarlet Letter Final Essay due 2:00 p.m. on Friday, January 24

Wednesday: Work on Revisions: See FInal Essay Support

Thursday: Quarter 2 Benchmark

Friday: Quarter 2 Benchmark

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 1.13-1.14

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Mexican American Literature & Culture: Period 1

This week in Mexican American Literature and Culture, scholars will compare archetypes in Rudolfo Anaya’s novel Bless Me Ultima and Luis Valdez’s Zoot Suit.  

Monday: Finish and Summarize Bless Me Ultima

Tuesday: Background on The Zoot Suit Riots

Wednesday: Zoot Suit by Luiz Valdez: Exposition

Thursday: Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez: Rising Action

Friday: Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez: Climax and Resolution

AP Seminar: Period 2 & 3

Monday: EOC Part B: Practice

Tuesday: EOC Part B: Revision

H.W.  Type Revisions

Wednesday: Analyze MOCK TMP presentation and analyze your performance to make a DELTA PLAN

Thursday: Revise Speeches

Friday: Revise Speeches

English 3P Honors: Period 5 & 6

Monday: Progress Check 3.2: Dark Romanticism in The Scarlet Letter and “The Raven”

Tuesday: Progress  Check Revision

Wednesday: “Much Madness is Divinest Sense” by Emily Dickinson and The Resolution of The Scarlet Letter

Thursday: Socratic Seminar

Friday: Timed Write