Mexican American Literature: 2.14-2.18

Acquista Rapidamente La Spedizione. Molto Meglio Buona Qualità. Campioni Gratuiti Per Tutti Gli Ordini. Nessuna Prescrizione Necessaria. Qualsiasi Requisito Per Acquistare Reale Dal Farmaco Tenere Per Telefono Qui [URRLL] Con Mezzi Naturali. E Ottieni Le Migliori Offerte Per antabuse. Assistenza Utile E Grandi Offerte Per Tutti I Visitatori Del Sito.

Tuesday: Family Search and Research

Essential Question: How does our background determine our identity?


1. Review Author Background Circle Map and Paragraph Frame written as you watched Video #1 What is Luis Alberto Urrea’s background? How did it influence his writing?  Video #2Interview with Maria Hinojosa

2. Review Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea Chapter 1-3: GROUP A: What is the setting of Into the Beautiful North?  GROUP B: Name and describe the characters that are introduced in Chapters 1-3. (Post It-Exchange)

3.  Family Search and Research:  Begin each conversation with…”I am not a single story, but if there is one you need to know in order to get me…”

Wednesday: Philosophical Chairs Prep

Essential Question: What ideas or themes are found in Mexican American Literature.


1. Read Ch. 3 of Into the Beautiful North: Post-It Exchange

2. Introduction to Mexican American Literature:(Handout)

Thursday: Philosophical Chairs Discussion

Essential Question: What ideas or themes are found in Mexican American Literature.


1. Read Ch. 4 of Into the Beautiful North: Post-It Exchange

2. Introduction to Mexican American Literature:Philsophical Chairs (Handout)

Friday: Introduction to THEMES

Essential Question: What ideas or themes are found in Mexican American Literature?


1. Read Ch. 4 of Into the Beautiful North: Post-It Exchange

2. Introduction to Themes in Mexican American Literature:Philsophical Chairs (Handout)DEBRIEF