WARNING: This is a tentative calendar for the week. I post this to provide my students with an opportunity to preview the week and to help them plan accordingly. Sometimes things go exactly as planned and it is amazing. Sometimes they don’t because we might finish an objective faster than anticipated. Sometimes what I believed would take ten minutes at the beginning of class ends up taking an entire class. Sometimes there are some mornings when I get ideas and decide to change EVERYTHING because something else seems better. Anyways, you get the picture: TENTATIVE…otherwise known as maybe, perhaps, we will see. As my grandmother used to say, “we make plans and the universe laughs”.
Monday 10.20: Perspectives of the Conquest
UNIT GOAL: After investigating and analyzing perspectives of Early American encounters through texts which include Spanish account, Aztec poetry, 20th Century art and poetry, students will write an expository essay which evaluates the impact of European arrival to the continent on Native populations and compares perspectives of encounters between native populations and Europeans.
Objective: After investigating and analyzing perspectives of Early American encounters through texts which include Spanish account, Aztec poetry, 20th Century art and poetry, students will write an reflective essay which evaluates the impact of European arrival to the continent on Native populations and compares perspectives of encounters between native populations and Europeans.
Handouts: Dialectical Journal, Learning Stations
Homework: Notebooks due 10.31, Perspectives of the Conquest Portfolio Due 10.31
Tuesday 10.21: Perspectives of the Conquest
UNIT GOAL: After investigating and analyzing perspectives of Early American encounters through texts which include Spanish account, Aztec poetry, 20th Century art and poetry, students will write reflective essay which evaluates the impact of European arrival to the continent on Native populations and compares perspectives of encounters between native populations and Europeans.
Objective: After investigating and analyzing perspectives of Early American encounters through texts which include Spanish account, Aztec poetry, 20th Century art and poetry, students will EVALUATE and REVISE a PEERS reflective essay which evaluates the impact of European arrival to the continent on Native populations and compares perspectives of encounters between native populations and Europeans.
Handouts: Revision GUIDE, Portfolio Guide
Homework: Notebooks due 10.31, Perspectives of the Conquest Portfolio Due 10.31
Wednesday 10.22: Introduction to the Mexican American War
UNIT GOAL: Students will write a persuasive essay which evaluates the impact of the annexation of Mexico’s northern territories by the United States on contemporary Mexican American culture, identity, and politics.
Objective: After completing CORNELL NOTES on documentary on Mexican American War, students will be able to SUMMARIZE events leading up to the Mexican American War.
Handouts: CORNELL NOTES, Summary Template
Homework: Notebooks due 10.31, Perspectives of the Conquest Portfolio Due 10.31
Thursday 10.23: Manifest Destiny
UNIT GOAL: Students will write a persuasive essay which evaluates the impact of the annexation of Mexico’s northern territories by the United States on contemporary Mexican American culture, identity, and politics.
Objective: After analyzing John Gast’s painting, “American Progress,” students will be able to describe the painting and identify the message the painting conveys by completing a SAYS MEANS MATTERS and SUMMARY.
Handouts: American Progress by John Gast Says Means Matters, Summary Template
Homework: Notebooks due 10.31, Perspectives of the Conquest Portfolio Due 10.31
Friday 10.24: John O’Sullivan, “The Great Nation of Futurity”
UNIT GOAL: Students will write a persuasive essay which evaluates the impact of the annexation of Mexico’s northern territories by the United States on contemporary Mexican American culture, identity, and politics.
Objective: After a close reading of John O’Sullivan’s essay, “The Great Nation of Futurity,” students will be able to identity author’s claim and use of rhetorical triangle to achieve purpose.
Handouts: “Manifest Destiny” by John O’Sullivan
Homework: Notebooks due 10.31, Perspectives of the Conquest Portfolio Due 10.31