Creative Writing Weekly Updates: 9.14-9.18

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Monday: Critical Feedback v. Criticism

UNIT GOAL: Students will write a piece of Creative Nonfiction.

Objective: Students will learn Lerman Method for Critical Feedback and apply it to evaluate peer’s work.

Handouts: Lerman Method for Critical Feedback

Announcements/Upcoming: Collaboration day on Wednesday, Creative Writing Field Trip to see Vietgone by Qui Nguyen at South Coast Repertory on October 17 @ 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday: The Zen of Writing

UNIT GOAL: Students will write a piece of Creative Nonfiction. 

Objective: Students will read and respond to the Preface of Ray Brandbury’s The Zen of Writing, and will revise “Choose Your Own Adventure” using peer feedback.

Announcements/Upcoming: Collaboration day on Wednesday, Creative Writing Field Trip to see Vietgone by Qui Nguyen at South Coast Repertory on October 17 @ 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday: I don’t know why I remember

UNIT GOAL: Students will write a piece of Creative Nonfiction.

Objective: By responding to “I don’t know why I remember” prompt student will be able to pinpoint previously unexplored material that remains charged in some important emotional way as material for Creative Nonfiction piece.

Handouts: Student Sample, Mentor Text from from East of Eden

Announcements/Upcoming: Collaboration day on Wednesday, Creative Writing Field Trip to see Vietgone by Qui Nguyen at South Coast Repertory on October 17 @ 7:00 p.m.

Thursday: I am a camera

Objective: After reading Christopher Isherwood’s “Goodbye Berlin” students will notice and render vivid details to describe a scene without trying to explain or interpret it as material for Creative Nonfiction piece.

Handouts: Mentor Text from “Goodbye Berlin” by Christopher Isherwood, Student Sample

Announcements/Upcoming: Collaboration day on Wednesday, Creative Writing Field Trip to see Vietgone by Qui Nguyen at South Coast Repertory on October 17 @ 7:00 p.m.

Friday: Writing Workshop