Hi Students!
I miss you already, but Xiomara is keeping me busy. She is a mighty little fist of a person, a palpitating little piece of flesh with sharp, curious dark eyes. She looks at me suspiciously. Wonders who I am really. I made her. It still doesn’t seem real, but it is and that’s what makes it magic.
By now, I hope you have made Ms. Gallegos a part of our creative community. I bragged to her about you guys quite a bit, and promised that this would be the class that she would enjoy the most. I hope you have welcomed her and that you are representing yourself as everything I know you can be and as you committed yourself to do in the beginning of the school year. (I am attaching our classroom commitment poem to remind you). Do not turn into the stereotypical and boring, unoriginal stereotype of students being rude and disrespectful to the substitute teacher. It’s the worst cliche in the book. Additionally, think about the fact that YOU ARE YOUR ACTIONS. Who are you going to be based on your actions? Ms. Gallegos is a lovely person with a passion for our school community and education in general. It took me so much wrangling to get her to cover me while I am learning to be a mother of two. Please make my fight worth it.
Anyways, enough of that. I am excited to begin reading your first fictional short story. So far, you have completed four exercises that should have gotten you enough material to begin a real draft for your first piece. I am attaching the rubric you will be using to evaluate each other’s short stories by the end of the unit. Use it to elevate your writing and storytelling.
Today, when you begin your short story please begin by sharing the document with me. I will be providing critical feedback and will be entering scores as you turn them in. Today’s work will be entered as an assignment on AERIES. I’m excited to start reading! It gives me something exciting to do while Xiomara sleeps and Lalli watches cartoons.
Additionally, Ms. Gallegos will begin entering notebook scores for 10.26-11.13 with her while you are at the library. She will be helping you evaluate your journal by asking the usual questions: 1. Is your work organized? 2. Is your work complete? 3. Does your work show reflection and insight? 4. Did you follow directions? 5. Does your journal show extra effort? For each of these questions, you will be proving the point you say you deserve and discussing what’s missing and for the work that is missing, reflecting on why you cut yourself short. Take the notebook reflective conversation and evaluation as an opportunity to help her get to know you and the kind of student and writer you pride yourself to be. Be honest about your challenges and help her learn how to support you.
I look forward to keeping in touch with you and continuing to watch you bloom as creators.
Take yourself and your art seriously even while I’m gone. Having an opportunity to be creative is a gift that you will miss one day.
Ms. Alba
P.S. before you begin writing watch this video and think about what it says. I’ll ask you to tell me about it tomorrow 🙂