English 3P Honors: 9.12-9.16

Monday: Summer Reading Response & “Coming to America” Historical Context

Objective: 1.) After sharing reader response essay, students will develop quality questions to guide research process.

2.) After reading, “Exploration and Settlement” (p. 3) students will be able to describe the historical context for Collection 1: “Coming to America.”

AGENDA: 1.) Summer Reading Literary Circles 2.) How to write quality questions to guide research. 3.) Pick Up Textbooks (period 4 & 6) 4.) Exploration and Settlement: Read and 3-2-1 Check In

HANDOUTS:Summer Reading Response

Homework: Revise and Type Response Essay and Questions due FRIDAY on Google Classroom

Tuesday: Intro to William Bradford and “Of Plymouth Plantation”: Diction and Tone

Objective: 1.) Understand historical context of William Bradford’s “Of Plymouth Plantation” (5A) 2.) After vocabulary preview, students will be able to explain the effect of diction on tone.  

AGENDA: 1.)Immigration Graffitti Wall Questions 2.) Of Plymouth Plantation Vocabulary Preview 3.) William Bradford historical background 4.) Close Read pp. 5-8

HANDOUTS: William Bradford Powerpoint,

Homework: Revise and Type Response Essay and Questions due FRIDAY on Google Classroom

Wednesday: Central Ideas and Purpose in “Of Plymouth Plantation”: Dialectical Journal

Objective: Identify and analyze central ideas of foundational text.  

AGENDA: 1.) Of Plymouth Plantation Vocabulary Preview 2.) William Bradford historical background 4.) Close Read pp. 5-8 1.) Academic Terms: Archaic & Setting Purpose 2.) Close Read Chapter X pp. 9-13


William Bradford Powerpoint,  Tone Words Tool, Vocabulary Bank

Homework:1.)  Find Claim and examples of ALLUSION AND IMAGERY in “Of Plymouth Plantation” p. 5-8  

2.) Revise and Type Response Essay and Questions due FRIDAY on Google Classroom

Thursday: Central Claim and Imagery as Support in “Of Plymouth Plantation” 

Objective: Identify and analyze central ideas of foundational text.  

AGENDA: 1.) Literary Circles for “Of Plymouth Plantation” p. 5-8 2.) Jigsaw Read p. 9-13 3.) Whip Around

HANDOUTS: Summary Template

Homework: Read and Summarize “Of Plymouth Plantation” p. 14-17 Revise and Type Response Essay and Questions due FRIDAY on Google Classroom

Friday: Coffeehouse Discussion on “Of Plymouth Plantation” by William Bradford

Objective: Identify and analyze central ideas of foundational text.  

AGENDA: 1.) Bradford Coffee House Discussion 2.) Coffeehouse discussion 3.) Whip Around


Homework:  “Of Plymouth Plantation,” Progress Check #1 on MONDAY! 

Summer Reading Research:  Task 2 Find 3-5 articles on Summer Reading Novel that help you answer the research questions you developed.  At least one should be an article about your author.

Response Essay and Questions due TODAY @4 p.m. on Google Classroom