English 3P Honors: 3.27-3.31


Unit Goal: After researching Harlem Renaissance artists and writers, students will create a presentation which highlights the movement’s contributions to discourse on American EQUALITY.

Objective: After research Harlem Renaissance thinker/artist/ writer, students will select a text to summarize and analyze.


  1.  Research 3-2-1 Check In 3 things you have learned about your SUBJECT, 2 things you want to learn more about, 1 question you will explore today
  2. Select Textual Examples which best reveal author/artist/musician/ thinker’s ideas. (1 song/ performance for music, 3 quotes for novelists/ political thinkers, 1 poem for poets, 3 art pieces for artists.
  3. Complete Analytical Summary Template/ SOAPS

HW. Gatsby Ch. 1-2 Summary. Also be prepared to discuss and share your expertise. Quarter 3 Benchmark 


Unit Goal: After researching Harlem Renaissance artists and writers, students will create a presentation which highlights the movement’s contributions to discourse on American EQUALITY.

Objective: After research Harlem Renaissance thinker/artist/ writer, students will select a text to summarize and analyze.


  1.  Gatsby Summary Check In & Expertise Padlet Conversation
  2. Finish Task 3: Complete Analytical Summary Template/ SOAPS

HW. Gatsby Ch. 1-2 Summary. Also be prepared to discuss and share your expertise. Quarter 3 Benchmark 

Wednesday: Quarter 3 Benchmark


Unit Goal: After researching Harlem Renaissance artists and writers, students will create a presentation which highlights the movement’s contributions to discourse on American EQUALITY.

Objective: After research Harlem Renaissance thinker/artist/ writer, selecting a text to summarize and analyze, students will SELECT appropriate presentation software.

  1. Research 3-2-1 Check In 3 things you have learned about your SUBJECT, 2 things you want to learn more about, 1 question you will explore today
  2. Task 4: Select Presentation Software