Creative Writing Weekly Updates: 1.4-1.8

Monday: Introduction to Poetry Part 1


1.  REFLECTION & DISCUSSION: What is poetry?  Why do we write Poetry?

2.  TED Talk on Poetry: Respond to the TED TALK by summarizing Stephen Burt’s argument

3.  Read & Annotate “Why Poetry” by Mark Polonsky

Tuesday: Introduction to Poetry Part 2


1.  REFLECTION & DISCUSSION: Find a quote that most stood out from Mark Polonsky’s article and explain what it means and why it caught your eye and sparked thoughts.

2. Listen, Read and Annotate “Poet in the Box” by Martin Espada

3.  Freewrite: Pretend that you are Brandon, the young man who inspired Martin Espada’s poem “Poet in the Box” and choose one of the following options.  A) Write the poem that you imagine Brandon write’s about while in solitary confinement B) Write a letter in which Brandon explains why he writes poetry.  

Wednesday: Love Poems


1.  REFLECTION & DISCUSSION: Finish your response to “Poet in the Box” and Share in Pods.  While you listen to colleagues. Give Props, state what pops, and ask a What if Question.

2. Write a LOVE POEM

Thursday: Hate Poems


1.  REFLECTION & DISCUSSION: Finish your LOVE POEMS and Share in Pods.  While you listen to colleagues. Give Props, state what pops, and ask a What if Question.  Choose one to read to class.

2. Write a HATE POEM

Friday: Writing Workshop at Computer Lab