AP Seminar: Period 1
This week, AP Seminar will use EBSCOHost Databases to UNDERSTAND and ANALYZE INDIVIDUAL LENS and complete an ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY to prepare for TIMED WRITE of IRR INTRODUCTION on February 19th.
Tuesday: 1.) News Article Quick Analysis 2.) EBSCOHost Search Refresher 3.) Find Academic Journals
H.W. Begin to Build Annotated Bibliography (SOAPS Guide) DUE Tuesday 5/19 with TIMED WRITE
Wednesday: Research, Annotated and Build Bibliography
Thursday: Research, Annotated and Build Bibliography
Friday: Team Meet Up and QUESTION the initial Research Purpose and QUESTion.
Mexican American Literature: Period 2, 6
This week, Mexican American Literature Scholars will define IDENTITY TERMS and apply these to philosophical chairs discussion and analysis of Al Madrigal’s “Half Like Me.”
Tuesday: Guest Speaker, Ms. Karina Valdez “Why Ethnic Studies?”
Wednesday: Intro to Race, Ethnicity, Nationality: Gallery Walk
Thursday: Identity Corners
Friday: “Half Like Me” by Al Madrigal
English 3P Honors: Period 3 & 4
This week, English 3P Honors will show understanding of Collection 4’s views by reciting Dialogue Poems, analyzing Robert Hayden’s “Runagate Runagate,” and writing Ekphrastic Poems using Civil War Photography.
Tuesday: Write and Recite Dialogue Poems
H.W. Read and write Summary of “Runagate, Runagate” by Robert Hayden. Marcus Omari Workshop
Wednesday: “Runagate, Runagate” Coffeehouse Discussion
Thursday: Ekphrastic Poems
Friday: Freedom Photo Essay : Views of Freedom Photo Essay Template