Mexican American Literature: 3.2-3.6 Notes and Handouts

Objectives: This week, students will be able to write a summary that identifies significant historical contexts, tropes, and themes of Mexican American Literature.

3.2 a.)Identity Quote Response #1 b.) Historical Context:   “Exploring the Borderlands”, CORNELL NOTES

3.3 Historical Context: Exploring the Borderlands  “Exploring the Borderlands”, Analytical Summary

3.4 Close Read: “Senior Picture Day” by Michelle Serros What does the short story “Senior Picture Day” reveal about the narrator’s identity and her relationship to an “Indian” heritage?

3.5 What does the short story “Senior Picture Day” reveal about the narrator’s identity and her relationship to an “Indian” heritage?

3.6 Perspectives of the Conquest Day 1: Learning Stations 1 & 2