Tuesday: The Crucible Coffeehouse Discussion
Unit Goal: Write an argumentative essay that makes the case for or against the causes of the central problem in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible.
Objective: After watching an interview with Arthur Miller and participating in Coffeehouse Discussion students will analyze Acts in The Crucible to understand theme and its relevance to contemporary American culture.
Homework: Socratic Seminar Prep: Write Questions and Analysis. Notebook Due Friday!
Wednesday: Socratic Chairs
Unit Goal: Write an argumentative essay that makes the case for or against the causes of the central problem in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible.
Objective: By participating in Socratic Chairs discussion students will evaluate relevance of themes in The Crucible by Arthur Miller to contemporary society.
Homework: Read Tragedy and the Modern Man by Arthur Miller, Notebook Due Friday!
Thursday: Timed Write
Unit Goal: Write an argumentative essay that makes the case for or against the causes of the central problem in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible.
Homework: Notebook Due Friday!
Friday: Timed Write Evaluation and Peer Assessment
Unit Goal: Write an argumentative essay that makes the case for or against the causes of the central problem in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible.
Evaluate an argumentative essay that makes the case for or against the causes of the central problem in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible.
Homework: Notebook Due Today!