Monday: Unit Review Graffiti Wall
Unit Goal: In a TIMED WRITE ESSAY, SWBAT describe how Early American texts and genres explored and communicated views of human nature through the use of the rhetorical triangle, imagery, and figurative language.
Objective: By reviewing terms, writers, and reflecting and discussing Early American values and philosophical ideas, students will be able to explain how these early writers’ views of human nature influenced American identity and political thought.
Handouts: Graffiti Wall
Homework: Start on Midterm Paper
Tuesday: Encounters and Foundations Introduction Paragraph
Unit Goal: In a TIMED WRITE ESSAY, SWBAT describe how Early American texts and genres explored and communicated views of human nature through the use of the rhetorical triangle, imagery, and figurative language.
Objective: By reflecting on UNIT CONCEPTS, students will be able to write an introductory paragraphs that explains how these early writers’ views of human nature influenced American identity and political thought.
Handouts: Gallery Walk Review
Homework: Enconters Final due on November 2! Quarter 1 Benchmark on November 4
Wednesday: MLA Style
Unit Goal: In a TIMED WRITE ESSAY, SWBAT describe how Early American texts and genres explored and communicated views of human nature through the use of the rhetorical triangle, imagery, and figurative language.
Objective: By reflecting on UNIT CONCEPTS, students will be able to write an introductory paragraphs that explains how these early writers’ views of human nature influenced American identity and political thought.
Handouts: MLA RULES Formatting Video, Works Cited Video (instructions for click here)
Homework: Enconters Final due on November 2! Quarter 1 Benchmark on November 4
Thursday: Introduction to Romanticism
Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.
Objective: Students can define features of American Romanticism as a cultural and intellectual movement that arose out of the historical context of the early 19th century by completing notes.
Handouts: Notes.
Homework: Enconters Final due on November 2! Quarter 1 Benchmark on November 4
Friday: Introduction to Romanticism
Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.
Objective: Students can define features of American Romanticism as a cultural and intellectual movement that arose out of the historical context of the early 19th century by completing American Romanticism Pamphlet in small groups
Handouts: American Romanticism Pamphlet in small groups
Homework: Enconters Final due on November 2! Quarter 1 Benchmark on November 4