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AP Seminar: Period 1
This week, AP Seminar Scholars will utilize Individual Research Report Rubric to revise and peer review projects and rehearse Team Multi-Media Presentation.
Tuesday: Presentation Tech Rehearsals: Reflection Google Classroom
H.W. Dress Rehearsal Thursday 2/22 (Nuclear Power, Poverty, Censorship) Friday (Gender Inequality, Immigration, Suicide)
Wednesday: Revise Presentation for Dress Rehearsals (TMP Rubric)
Thursday: Revise Presentation (TMP Rubric) / Individual Research Report (IRR Rubric)
Friday:Revise Presentation (TMP Rubric) / Individual Research Report (IRR Rubric)
English 3P Honors: Period 2, 5, 6
This week, students will define REALISM and explore the features of this literary/ cultural movement by analyzing the photography and journalism of Jacob Riis.
Tuesday: 1. Introduction to Realism: What is reality according to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave ?2.) Introduction to Realism, Video 3.) What is realism? Gallery Walk Quotes
H.W. Independent Reading: The Awakening by Kate Chopin (.pdf), Reading Schedule, Summarize Chapters by Friday
Wednesday: Introduction to Historical Context of Realism 1.) Tenement Photos by Jacob Riis & “Child Mortality Rates: A Report by the Tenement House Committee”2.) Jacob Riis A Biography, “Genesis of the Tenement” an essay from How the Other Half Lives
Thursday: Coffeehouse Discussion-How does Jacob Riis use of fact and detail to support his point of view?
Friday: 1.) The Awakening Ch. 1-X Summary Check 2.) Literary Circles (The Awakening Reading/Discussion Guide