This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: Weekly Updates 10.8-10.12

You would really like to buy totally free a drug for treatment of the symptoms of ED from the pharmacy from your home here Viagra quickly… You will not need to visit the doctor and get a prescription. Best Quality i think. For certain groups of patients (men over 65 years of age, patients with kidney, liver, or cardiovascular diseases), this dosage is reduced to 25 mg How to take Viagra correctly can tell the doctor after a detailed examination of the man Do not exceed the doctor’s recommended dose.

AP Seminar: Period 1

Monday: 1.) Selecting and Using Evidence Project:  Online Mags  v. Online News Sources

Tuesday: 1.) Stance Statement Draft 2.) Google Scholar and  EBSCOHost Introduction

Wednesday: PSAT

Thursday: 1.) Type Individual Stance Statement use MLA style format 2.) Group Argument Work Day #1:

Group Presentation Outline

I.) Attention to TOPIC & Necessary Background: What are you presenting about and why?

II.) CLAIM: Turn stance into question and write a concise answer as your THESIS/CLAIM.

III.) REASONING: Reasoning should support claim 1 & 2 supported by credible evidence (all sources cited) integrate all parts of the Aristotelian Triangle (ethos, pathos, logos) but AVOID TOO MUCH TEXT.

IV.) COUNTERCLAIMSWhat would those who disagree with your group’s position argue?  Why are they wrong?  (Support with documented credible evidence)

V.) CONCLUSION and CALL TO ACTION:  What would you like people to do if they agree with your conclusions?

Friday: 1.) Group Argument Work Day #2 & Individual Conferences: Presentation Outline

H.W. Presentations on Wednesday, October 17: Rubric

Mexican American Literature: Period 2 & 6

Monday: Ekphrastic Poems

Tuesday: Magnetic Poetry inspired by Frank Mundo’s “How I Became a Mexican”

Wednesday: Identity Unit Portfolio

Thursday: Identity Portfolio Day 2

Friday: Inocente: How does art help Inocente build a sense of self and identity?

English 3P Honors: Period 3 & 4

Monday: The Namesake Ch. 1 & 2 Chapter Summary: The Namesake Unit Map

H.W. Read and Summarize Ch. 3-5 by Friday, October 12: Complete Chapter Summary:

Tuesday: 1.) Definition of Assimilation 2.) “Indian Boy Love Song” by Sherman Alexie Analysis 3. Literary Circles for The Namesake Ch. 1-2

Wednesday: PSAT

Thursday: “Indian Boy Love Song” and “New Orleans” by Joy Harjo Comparative Summary

Friday: The Namesake Ch. 3-5 Chapter Summary Check and Literary Circles

H.W. Socratic Seminar on Monday 10/15 Read & Summarize Ch. 6-8 by Thursday 10/18