AP Seminar: Period 1
This week, we will form teams and build RESEARCH QUESTIONS on TOPICS of interest.
Monday: 1.) Collect Revisions (revision reflection) 2.) Create E-Link using SUMMARIZING STATEMENT for Three JOURNALISTIC SOURCES about STUFF that matters to you Themes and Perspectives.
Tuesday: 1.) Introduction to SCOUT mentality and research: Why you think you’re right even when you’re wrong by Julia Galef 2.) Team Set Up and Charter
H.W. Research Proposal: How to Write Research Proposal Guide
Wednesday: 1.) Choose TOPIC after hearing team maters Research Proposal Elevator Pitch. 2.) Question Development Activity (Handout)
Thursday: Finalize Research Question and Decide on Lenses
Friday: I. Reading: Evaluating Credible Sources Stanford Research
Mexican American Literature: Period 2, 6
Monday: 1.) Corridos as Counternarratives Unit Debrief Poems
Tuesday: 1.) Dialogue Poems Reading 2.) La Llorona Cuento Share0ut
Wednesday: I. Pre-reading: What is a cuento or a folk tale? What is its function? Who is LA LLORONA?
Thursday: I. Reading: “La Llorona“, Spiritual Cleansing: A Mexican Ghost Story, “Woman Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros,
Friday: I. Post Reading: Analytical Summary, SOAPS Analysis, Write your Own Cuento starring La Llorona
English 3P Honors: Period 3, 4
Monday: 1.) Introduction to SCOUT mentality and research: Why you think you’re right even when you’re wrong by Julia Galef 2.) Argument Outline Template your Argument and use A List of Rhetorical Devices to strategize your approach. 3.) Build your Annotated Bibliography
Tuesday: Debate Prep: What Rhetorical Devices will you use?
Wednesday: Debate Prep: How to Argue and a list of Logical Fallacies
Thursday:Debate Prep: Rubric & Reflection
Friday:Debate Prep: Rubric & Reflection TURN IN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY