This week in Ms. Alba’s Class 11.12-11.15

Mexican American Literature and Culture: Period 1

This week Mexican American Literature Scholars will understand the impact of the Mexican American War and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on Tejanos, Nuevo Mexicanos, and Californios by writing an Analysis of “Foreigner in Their Own Land” and and Ekphrastic poems of John Gast’s Painting “American Progress.” 

Monday: No School Veterans Day

Tuesday: 1. Finish Cornell Notes on “Foreigners in their Own Land” and 2.) Build Vocabulary Word Bank

Wednesday: Write an Expository Summary on the documentary film “Foreigner in their Own Land” that answers the Essential Question: How did Mexican Americans become “foreigners in their own land”?

Thursday: 1. Quick Analysis “Definition” 2. Art Analysis, “American Progress” by John Gast

Friday: Interactive Notebook Self Assessment and 3-2-1 Check In 2. Type Analysis or Poem

AP Seminar: Period 2 & 3

This week AP Seminar will use SOAPS to understand and analyze arguments and build a properly formatted Annotated Bibliography that analyzes sources as they connect to Research Question.

Monday: No School Veterans Day

Tuesday: What is an Annotated Bibliography: How to video and Annotated Bibliography Guide (PDF)  2. SOAPS

Wednesday: 1. Formatting Annotated Bibliographies in Google Docs 2. Work on research and building Annotated Bibliography

Thursday: Continue Working On Annotated Bibliography and conference with Ms. Alba

Friday: Interactive Notebook Self Assessment and 3-2-1 Check In 2. Continue Working On Annotated Bibliography and conference with Ms. Alba

English 3P Honors: Period 5 & 6

This week, English 3P Honors will analyze the connection between freedom and democracy in colonial poetry by Phillis Wheatley and Phillip Freneau.  

Monday: No School Veterans Day

Tuesday: 1. Phillis Wheatley: Author Background Circle Map and Paragraph Frame 2. To The Wright Honorable William, Earl of Dartmouth

H.W. Read Phillip Freneau’s “On the Emigration to America” and complete a SOAPS

Wednesday: 1.) Essay Reflection 2.) Phillis Wheatley Close Read and Quaker Discussion

Thursday: 1.)Comparative Summary Phillis Wheatley and Phillip Freneau

Friday: Introduction to Debate