#English3P: 3.9-3.13 Notes and Handouts #notebooksdueFRIDAY

UNIT GOAL: Write an expository essay that evaluates how REALIST artists and author’s effectively use ethos, pathos, and/or logos to communicate and support and their ideas about (in)justice.

AbierceWeek’s Objectives: After reading Ambroce Bierce’s short story, “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” students will be able to write a paragraph that analyzes and evaluates the author’s philosophical attitude and use of  ETHOS, PATHOS, and LOGOS as support.

3.9:  Bierce Notes & Close Read:“Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.” & Watch Twilight Zone Episode of “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”

3.10 ANALYZE “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.” using Dialectical Journal & SOAPS

3.11 Watch Twilight Zone Episode of “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”

3.12 “The Lowest Animal” Revision

3.13 “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” Progress Check: 2.23-3.13 NOTEBOOKS DUE TODAY

MISC: Socratic Seminar Preparation Notes