Creative Writing Weekly Updates: 9.14-9.18

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Monday: Critical Feedback v. Criticism

UNIT GOAL: Students will write a piece of Creative Nonfiction.

Objective: Students will learn Lerman Method for Critical Feedback and apply it to evaluate peer’s work.

Handouts: Lerman Method for Critical Feedback

Announcements/Upcoming: Collaboration day on Wednesday, Creative Writing Field Trip to see Vietgone by Qui Nguyen at South Coast Repertory on October 17 @ 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday: The Zen of Writing

UNIT GOAL: Students will write a piece of Creative Nonfiction. 

Objective: Students will read and respond to the Preface of Ray Brandbury’s The Zen of Writing, and will revise “Choose Your Own Adventure” using peer feedback.

Announcements/Upcoming: Collaboration day on Wednesday, Creative Writing Field Trip to see Vietgone by Qui Nguyen at South Coast Repertory on October 17 @ 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday: I don’t know why I remember

UNIT GOAL: Students will write a piece of Creative Nonfiction.

Objective: By responding to “I don’t know why I remember” prompt student will be able to pinpoint previously unexplored material that remains charged in some important emotional way as material for Creative Nonfiction piece.

Handouts: Student Sample, Mentor Text from from East of Eden

Announcements/Upcoming: Collaboration day on Wednesday, Creative Writing Field Trip to see Vietgone by Qui Nguyen at South Coast Repertory on October 17 @ 7:00 p.m.

Thursday: I am a camera

Objective: After reading Christopher Isherwood’s “Goodbye Berlin” students will notice and render vivid details to describe a scene without trying to explain or interpret it as material for Creative Nonfiction piece.

Handouts: Mentor Text from “Goodbye Berlin” by Christopher Isherwood, Student Sample

Announcements/Upcoming: Collaboration day on Wednesday, Creative Writing Field Trip to see Vietgone by Qui Nguyen at South Coast Repertory on October 17 @ 7:00 p.m.

Friday: Writing Workshop



English 3P Honors: Weekly Updates for 9.14-9.18

Monday: What is America & American Identity?

Unit Goal: In a TIMED WRITE ESSAY, SWBAT describe how Early American texts and genres explored and communicated views of human nature through the use of the rhetorical triangle, imagery, and figurative language.

ObjectiveStudents will discuss and define concept of AMERICA and AMERICAN IDENTITY by participating in concept attainment activity and FOUR SQUARE discussion.  

Handouts: INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK RUBRIC, Introduction to Encounters and Foundations

HOMEWORK: One Pager For Summer Reading DUE FRIDAY

Tuesday & Wednesday: Historical Context of Early American Literature & Culture

Objective: After participating in a GALLERY WALK, students will be able to explain the effects of European settlements on native populations and compare Rationalist and Puritan views of human nature, God, and government by completing a Gallery Walk Pamphlet.

a. Gallery Walk Images and Text

b. Gallery Walk Pamphlet

c. Web Resource:

HOMEWORK: Hobbes and Rousseau on Human NatureOne Pager For Summer Reading DUE FRIDAY,


Thursday : Human Nature Socratic Seminar Preparation

Due: Annotations and Questions for Hobbes and Rousseau

Objective: After annotating passages from Thomas HobbesLeviathan and from Jean Jacques Rousseau’sDiscourse on Inequality” students will be able compare and contrast Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s “state of nature”  to those expressed by John Steinbeck’s East of Eden in a Socratic Seminar to understand European influence of Early American literature.  

c. Socratic Seminar Instructions, Questions Guide, Socratic Seminar Prep, and Socratic Seminar Outer Circle

Friday: Human Nature Socratic Seminar

HOMEWORK: One Pager For Summer Reading DUE FRIDAY

After annotating passages from Thomas HobbesLeviathan and from Jean Jacques Rousseau’sDiscourse on Inequality” students will be able compare and contrast Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s “state of nature” in a Socratic Seminar to understand European influence of Early American literature.  

c. Socratic Seminar Instructions, Questions Guide, Socratic Seminar Prep, and Socratic Seminar Outer Circle

English 3P Weekly Updates: 9.14-18

Art-Painting-American-Flag-Wallpaper-HDMonday: What is America & American Identity?

Unit Goal: In a TIMED WRITE ESSAY, SWBAT describe how Early American texts and genres explored and communicated views of human nature through the use of the rhetorical triangle, imagery, and figurative language.

ObjectiveStudents will discuss and define concept of AMERICA and AMERICAN IDENTITY by participating in concept attainment activity and FOUR SQUARE discussion.  

Handouts: INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK RUBRIC, Introduction to Encounters and Foundations

Tuesday: Historical Context of Early American Literature & Culture

After participating in a GALLERY WALK, students will be able to explain the effects of European settlements on native populations and compare Rationalist and Puritan views of human nature, God, and government by completing a Gallery Walk Pamphlet.

a. Gallery Walk Images and Text

b. Gallery Walk Pamphlet

c. Web Resource:

Philosophy-Header1Wednesday: Introduction to Human Nature

After annotating passages from Thomas HobbesLeviathan and from Jean Jacques Rousseau’sDiscourse on Inequality” students will be able compare and contrast Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s “state of nature” in a Socratic Seminar to understand European influence of Early American literature.  

a. from Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes

b. from Discourse on Inequality by Jean Jacques Rousseau

Thursday : Human Nature Socratic Seminar Preparation

After annotating passages from Thomas HobbesLeviathan and from Jean Jacques Rousseau’sDiscourse on Inequality” students will be able compare and contrast Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s “state of nature” in a Socratic Seminar to understand European influence of Early American literature.  

c. Socratic Seminar Instructions, Questions Guide, Socratic Seminar Prep, and Socratic Seminar Outer Circle

Friday: Human Nature Socratic Seminar

After annotating passages from Thomas HobbesLeviathan and from Jean Jacques Rousseau’sDiscourse on Inequality” students will be able compare and contrast Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s “state of nature” in a Socratic Seminar to understand European influence of Early American literature.  

c. Socratic Seminar Instructions, Questions Guide, Socratic Seminar Prep, and Socratic Seminar Outer Circle

Creative Writing Community Guidelines: Compiled by 4th period

communityofwritersToday, we began the process of establishing a safe environment that promotes creativity, collegiality, and risk.

BY ANSWERING THE ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What kind of social classroom conditions promote creativity? How do we as a community of artists eliminate obstacles to writing creatively?

As a community of artists, writers, daydreamers, risk takers, CREATORS we know that we shall:

Be confident

as we make mistakes

Amplify ideas

that are honest &




& encouraging.

We shall keep calm.

Help someone if asked,

with constructive criticism

through feedback that is

respectful & original

because we pay attention

to inspire &

motivate others to start

engaging in conversations for ideas

compliment and be kind to people’s work

Make eye contact

share random ideas.

Say random ideas,

write random ideas,

So be yourself

be open minded

and most of all communicate.


In order to do this we won’t

Fight, be shy, dishonest

or insult.

We won’t be obnoxious,


or critique negatively through disrespect

that makes fun of people’s work.

If feeling nervous or insecure, we won’t hide it

by disturbing others,

yelling across the room,

lying about work,

stealing ideas,

acting rude,




make fun of others,


acting bored,

gossiping or have side conversations.


We will not laugh at someone’s work unless its supposed to provoke that

because we don’t mess with someone’s work


So don’t be afraid to say what you think.



Creative Writing Weekly Updates: 9.8-9.11

TUESDAY 9.8: Orientation

Unit Goal: N/A

Objective: By the end of the period SWBAT describe and follow classroom guidelines and procedures and will understand grading scales and procedures.

HandoutsOrientation Prezi, FALL 2015 SYLLABUS

WEDNESDAY 9.9: Choose your own adventure

Unit Goal: At the end of the Creative Non-Fiction Unit, students will create a portfolio which shows student’s ability to use point of view, establish voice, and apply characterization in original writing.

Objective: After completing Choose your own adventure” writing exercise, students will be able to write a story that includes a distinct point of view, clear voice, and detailed imagery to convey characterization.

Handouts: Notes

THURSDAY 9.10: Writing Workshop 101

Unit Goal: At the end of the Creative Non-Fiction Unit, students will create a portfolio which shows student’s ability to use point of view, establish voice, and apply characterization in original writing.

Objective: After reading from Sherman Alexie’s “The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist-Fight in Heaven,” students will be able to apply the Lerman Method to discuss the author’s point of view, voice, and use of imagery and practice writer’s workshop etiquette and procedures.

Handouts: Lerman Method, “The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist-Fight in Heaven”

FRIDAY 9.11:  Establishing Mood and Setting through Vivid Imagery

Unit Goal: At the end of the Creative Non-Fiction Unit, students will create a portfolio which shows student’s ability to use point of view, establish voice, and apply characterization in original writing.

Objective: By completing “I don’t Know Why I Remember…” writing exercise, students will be able to pinpoint and describe using vivid imagery previously unexplored that remains important in some emotional way.

Handouts: Notes, from “I remember” from East of Eden by John Steinbeck

English 3P & 3P Honors Weekly Update: 9.8-9.11

TUESDAY 9.8: Orientation

Unit Goal: N/A

Objective: By the end of the period SWBAT describe and follow classroom guidelines and procedures and will understand grading scales and procedures.


WEDNESDAY 9.9: Pre-Assessment Essay

Unit GoalIn a TIMED WRITE ESSAY, SWBAT describe how Early American texts and genres explored and communicated views of human nature through the use of the rhetorical triangle, imagery, and figurative language.

Objective: After completing PREASSESMENT ESSAY students will be able to identify unit concept and identify writing proficiency level.

Handouts: PROMPT, Unit 1 Foundations Learning Scale

THURSDAY 9.10: Learning Scale Calibration & Self-Assessment

Unit GoalIn a TIMED WRITE ESSAY, SWBAT describe how Early American texts and genres explored and communicated views of human nature through the use of the rhetorical triangle, imagery, and figurative language.

Objective: After reading and assessing ANCHOR PAPERS by using class rubrics and learnings scales, students will self-assess proficiency level  and set writing goals using PREASSESMENT ESSAY as evidence.

Handouts: ANCHOR ESSAYS, Rubric, Anchor Calibrations

FRIDAY 9.11: America and American Identity

Unit GoalIn a TIMED WRITE ESSAY, SWBAT describe how Early American texts and genres explored and communicated views of human nature through the use of the rhetorical triangle, imagery, and figurative language.

ObjectiveStudents will discuss and define concept of AMERICA and AMERICAN IDENTITY by participating in concept attainment activity and FOUR SQUARE discussion.  

Handouts: Introduction to Encounters and Foundations

English 3P Honors: American Literature Krash Kourse Final Project!

Project Goal: After investigating and analyzing perspectives on contemporary American identity through texts which include art, poetry, and nonfiction, students will complete a “Krash Kourse Video Project” which explores the impact of diverse voices on American literature and culture.

American Literature Krash Kourse: Amy Tan by Andrew Benson, Kyle Degen, Tony Hong, Kevin Rodriguez, (featuring Quiana Reyes)

American Literature Krash Kourse: Raymond Carver by Phuong Tran, Duyen Vu, Lizbeth Ramirez

American Literature Krash Kourse: Elizabeth Bishop by Delvin Nguyen, Samantha Ceja, Brandon Trieu, and Jessica Rodriguez

American Literature Krash Kourse: Sandra Cisneros by Carlos Lopez, Quiana Reyes, Clarissa Escobedo, Daniel Sanchez

American Literature Krash Kourse: Agha Shahid Ali by Daniel Vega, Alex Perez, Annie Luu

American Litearture Krash Kourse: Donald Barthelme by Phuoc Dieu and Tam Nguyen

American Literature Krash Kourse: James Baldwin by Monica Men, Khadija Noor, Eriana Moreno, Alexis Martinez, Sinalei Skipps

American Literature Krash Kourse: Anne Sexton by Nhan Doan and Juan (Danny) Loo

American Literature Krash Kourse: Gabriel Garcia Marquez by Jesus Velasco, Jessica Villagrana, Miguel Tzintzun, Alyssa Torres


Mexican American Literature: Last Week Updates

Weekly GOAL:

After completing research process, students will identify significant contemporary Mexican American artists and writers and make recommendations for Mexican American Literature & Literature curriculum.

Monday: “I Am Joaquin” Abridged Poem

Tuesday: Students will select and research contemporary Mexican American writer, artist, musician, or playwright and write a biography to feature as a contemporary voice for Mexican American arts and culture.

Wednesday: Students will selected an example of the artists work and write a summary analyzing significance of Mexican American writer, artist, musician, or playwright to feature as a contemporary voice for Mexican American arts and culture.

Thursday: Students will find a quote by the artist and explain what it reveals about the work and their contributions to Mexican American literature and culture.

Friday: meets most requirements for what should be included in the presentation • has an introduction and conclusion, but they are not clear or interesting

English 3P Honors Last Week Updates!

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6.8-12 UNIT GOAL:

After investigating and analyzing perspectives on contemporary American identity through texts which include art, poetry, and nonfiction, students will complete a “Crash Course Video Project” which explores the impact of diverse voices on American literature and culture. 

Monday: Final Video Rubric, Begin Close Read Richard Wright’s “Black Boy” and explore what idea his autobiographical story conveys about identity.

Tuesday: Quarter 4 Benchmarks

Wednesday: Reflection on Richard Wrights “Black Boy” and close read Maxine Hong Kingston’s “Woman Warrior”

Thursday: Reflection on Maxine Hong Kingston’s “Woman Warrior”

Friday: Turn in Books and Notebooks Clean Out Portfolios

English 3P: Last Week of 2014-15 School Year!

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6.8-12 UNIT GOAL:

After investigating and analyzing perspectives on contemporary American identity through texts which include art, poetry, and nonfiction, students will complete a timed write essay which explores the impact of diverse ethnic voices on American literature and culture. 

Monday: Close Read Richard Wright’s “Black Boy” and explore what idea his autobiographical story conveys about identity.

Tuesday: Quarter 4 Benchmarks

Wednesday: Reflection on Richard Wrights “Black Boy” and close read Sandra Cisneros’s “Straw Into Gold” What fairy does the title of Cisneros allude to? 

Thursday: Reflection on “Sraw Into Gold” by Sandra Cisneros

Friday: Turn in Books and Notebooks Clean Out Portfolios: ON MONDAY PRINT OUT ESSAYS WITH COMMENTS FROM TURNITIN.COM!!