Weekly Updates: 2.5-2.9

AP Seminar: Period 1

This week, AP Seminar Scholars will utilize Individual Research Report Rubric to revise and peer review projects and will begin planning Team Multi-Media Presentation.

Monday: Students will use Peer Review Document to provide peers with feedback on Individual Research Report.Individual Research Report Team Roundtables.

Tuesday:  1.) Performance Assessment Task 1: Team Multimedia Presentation Structure 2.) Presentation Analysis: a. Student Examples 1 b. Student Example 2 c. TMP Rubric

Wednesday: 1.) Team Multi-Media Presentation: AP Capstone Seminar Handouts 1 and 2TMP Rubric) 2. PT1 TMP Presentation Outline 1

H.W. Apply Peer Feedback to IRR Revisions

Thursday: Students will ensure that research sources are in conversation (4A-B) by Putting Sources in Conversation w/ Academic Conversation Templates (1)

Friday: Students will use Peer Review Document to provide peers with feedback on Individual Research Report.Individual Research Report Team Roundtables.

English 3P Honors: Period 2,5, 6

This week, students will discuss concept of 19th Century Speeches and Documents addressing FREEDOM and analyze their significance to contemporary American Society and Politics.  


1.) “Declaration of Sentiments” by Elizabeth Cady Stanton SOAPS Analysis 2.) Frederick Douglass: Background Video 2.) “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July” Close Read Presentation: A New Birth of Freedom: Lincoln Douglass

H.W.  Begin “Views of Freedom” Photo Essay DUE: Thursday 2/8

Tuesday 1.) “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July” 2.) Who read it best: Morgan Freeman v. Danny Glover v. James Earl Jones

H.W.  Begin “Views of Freedom” Photo Essay DUE: Thursday 2/8

Wednesday: 1.) Views of Freedom: Socratic Seminar (Socratic Seminar Evaluation Form)

Thursday:1.) Who read it best: Morgan Freeman v. Danny Glover v. James Earl Jones 2.) Views of Freedom Roundtable Discussion & Group Speech Presentation Prep Work 3.) Delegate Duties on Outline

H.W. Prep Group Speech: Outline, Presentation & Speech Rubric

Friday: Prep Speeches

H.W. “Views of Freedom” Speeches Due Wednesday, February 14th

Creative Writing: Period 3

Monday:1.) Sound Off Freewrite 2.) Write ON: Observation from Life 

Tuesday: 1.) Room with a View Freewrite 2.) Not-so-good, useful, Golden Details 3.) Game ON: Mining for Golden Details

Wednesday: 1.) Sound Off Freewrite 2.) Master Model: “Where are you going? Where have you been” by Joyce Carol Oates

Thursday:  1.) Freewrite 2.) Partner Interviews

Friday: 1.) Freewrite 2.) Character Sketch: Draft 1