English 3P Honors Weekly Updates: 10.17-10.21

MONDAY: Unit Final Feedback

OBJECTIVE: Scholars will analyze various texts to develop an argument about how immigration changes America and the lives of those who settle here.  

Agenda: 1)  Essay Reflection 2.) Essay Revision 3.) Unit Reflection

Handouts:  Rubric Explanations, Unit Reflection Questions

Homework: Summer Novel Research Task 3: Introduction & Outline DUE TODAY @ 4 p.m.

TUESDAY: Introduction to Collection 2: Building a Democracy

OBJECTIVE: Write an informative essay on how each author, character, or historical figures strikes a balance between preserving individual rights and forming a strong, long-lasting union.  

Agenda: 1.) Collection Quote Quick Analysis 2.) Kahoot KWL 3.) What makes a good government?

Handouts: Essay outline.

Homework: Read and Summarize “The Declaration of Independence”, Summer Novel Research Draft #1 Due: Monday October 24


Homework: Read and Summarize “The Declaration of Independence”, Summer Novel Research Draft #1 Due: Monday October 24

THURSDAY: The Declaration of Independence

OBJECTIVE: Write an informative essay on how each author, character, or historical figures strikes a balance between preserving individual rights and forming a strong, long-lasting union.  

Agenda: 1.) Summary Check The Declaration of Independence 2.) SAYS MEANS MATTERS

Handouts: Says Means Matters

Homework: Read and Summarize “The Declaration of Independence”, Summer Novel Research Draft #1 Due: Monday October 24

FRIDAY: The Constitution

OBJECTIVE: Write an informative essay on how each author, character, or historical figures strikes a balance between preserving individual rights and forming a strong, long-lasting union.  

Agenda: 1.) Circle Map “The Constitution” 2.) The Constitution Lines of Communication

Handouts: Says Means Matters

Homework:Summer Novel Research Draft #1 Due: Monday October 24

English 3P Honors: Weekly Updates 10.9-10.14

researchMONDAY: Socratic Seminar Debrief & Effective Introductions

OBJECTIVE: Scholars will write effective introductions.  

Agenda: 1)  Socratic Seminar Final Thoughts Debrief 2.) Intro Paragraph Lesson 3.) Kahoot Check

Handouts:  Socratic Seminar

Homework: Notebooks due 10/14, Unit Timed Write this FRIDAY! Summer Novel Research Task 3: Introduction & Outline DUE MONDAY

TUESDAY: Introductory Paragraph Revision and Outline

OBJECTIVE: Students will revise introductory paragraphs and create outlines for Summer Reading Research paper.   

Agenda: 1.) Introduction Peer Revisions  2.) How to write an essay outline.

Handouts: Essay outline.

Homework: Notebooks due 10/14, Unit Timed Write this FRIDAY! Summer Novel Research Task 3: Introduction & Outline DUE MONDAY

WEDNESDAY: Portfolio Pick Up and Clean Upimages

Objective: N/A

Agenda: Portfolio Pick Up, Clean Up

Handouts: N/A

Homework: Notebooks due 10/14, Unit Timed Write this FRIDAY! Summer Novel Research Task 3: Introduction & Outline DUE MONDAY

THURSDAY: World Cafe

OBJECTIVE:  1.) Prepare for TIMED WRITE of views of IMMIGRATION and its implications on American Identity 2.) Gain a deeper understanding of framework of themes in the American literary canon.

Agenda: 1.) Synthesizing Statement 2.) Coming to America Literary Cafe  3.) Ticket Out: Tomorrow I plan to write analyze…

Handouts: N/A

Homework: Notebooks due 10/14, Unit Timed Write this FRIDAY! Summer Novel Research Task 3: Introduction & Outline DUE MONDAY

FRIDAY: Unit Final Timed Write

OBJECTIVE:1.) Complete a TIMED WRITE that develops an argument on views of IMMIGRATION and its implications on American Identity 2.) Gain a deeper understanding of framework of themes in the American literary canon.


Handouts: Learning Scale, Writing Rubric

Homework: Notebooks due 10/14, Unit Timed Write this FRIDAY! Summer Novel Research Task 3: Introduction & Outline DUE MONDAY

English 3P Honors 10.3-10.7

Philosophy-Header1MONDAY: Philophical Chairs “Blaxicans” by Richard Rodriguez

Objective: By participating in PHILOSOPHICAL CHAIRS students will be able to identify claims and support in “Blaxicans” by RIchard Rodriguez and provide evidence of  their ability to evaluate author’s CLAIMS, PURPOSE, and use of IRONY.  

Agenda: 1)  Philosophical Chairs Directions and Reflection 2.) Philosophical Chairs 3.) Conversation Debrief

Handouts:  Coming to America Philosophical Chairs, Handout

Homework: Progress Check on Tuesday study objectives for “Balboa”, “Mother Tongue,” and “Blaxicans”

TUESDAY: Progress Check

Objective: By completing a progress check on “Blaxicans” and “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan scholars will provide evidence of  their ability to evaluate author’s CLAIMS, PURPOSE, and use of IRONY in argumentative essays.  

Agenda: Progress Check 1.2

Handouts: Coming to America Learning Scale

Homework: N/A

WEDNESDAY: Progress Check Revision

Objective: By REVISING progress check on “Blaxicans” and “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan scholars will SELF ASSESS evidence of  their ability to evaluate author’s CLAIMS, PURPOSE, and use of IRONY in argumentative essays.  

Agenda: Progress Check 1.2 Revision

Handouts: Learning Scale, Progress Check Revision

Homework: Read The Immigrant’s Fate Is Everyone’s by Viet Thanh Nguyen

THURSDAY: Socratic Seminar Preparation

OBJECTIVE:  1.) Prepare for Socratic Seminar discussion of views of IMMIGRATION and its implications on American Identity 2.) Gain a deeper understanding of framework of themes in the American literary canon.

Agenda: 1.) Everyday We Get More Illegal by Juan Felipe Herrera by Juan Felipe Herrera Quick Analysis 2.) “The Immigrants Fate” by Viet Thanh Nguyen Question 3.) Question Check

Handouts: Socratic Seminar Question Stems

FRIDAY: Socratic Seminar Discussion

OBJECTIVE:  1.) Practice academic behavior and language through discussion of views of IMMIGRATION and its implications on American Identity 2.) Gain a deeper understanding of framework of themes in the American literary canon.

Agenda: 1.) Instructions & Partner Check In 2.) Socratic Seminar 3.) Socratic Seminar Debrief

Handouts: Socratic Seminar Evaluation Guide

English 3P Honors: 9.26-10.1 Weekly Update

MONDAY: Post-Reading “Balboa” by Sabina Murray

Objective: After CLOSE READING: students will be able to determine themes by analyzing characterization and structure including the use of flashback and foreshadowing.  

Agenda: 1.) Notebook Set-Up 2.) Finish “Balboa” and determine Examples of Flashback & Flashforward  3.) SOAPS Discussion using Lines of Communication

Handouts: SOAPS & Summary Template

Homework: Annotated Bibliography for Summer Reading Research Project Due TODAY 9.26 @ 4 p.m.


TUESDAY: POST READING BALBOA & Reading “Indian Boy Love Song”

Objective: After CLOSE READING “Balboa” scholars will evaluate THEME and Use of POINT OF VIEW & IMAGERY to convey TONE by participating in SOAPS discussion.

1.) Summary Quick Check 2.) SOAPS for “Balboa” by Sabina Murray

Handouts: SOAPS

Homework: 1.) Read “Mother Tongue” 2.) Write THESIS Statement for Summer Reading Research Project: Post on Google Classroom by Friday 4 p.m.

WEDNESDAY: “Indian Boy Love Song” by Sherman Alexie

Objective: After Reading “Indian Boy Love Song” students will evaluate the theme and use of IMAGERY  to convey TONE.  

Agenda: “Indian Boy Love Song” Quick Analysis 2.) Summer Reading Research Project: Task 3 Thesis Statements

HandoutsLiterary Analysis Thesis Guide

Homework: 1.) Read “Mother Tongue” & Summarize 2.) Write THESIS Statement for Summer Reading Research Project: Post on Google Classroom by Friday 4 p.m.

THURSDAY: Read”Blaxicans” by Richard Rodriguez

Objective: After Reading “Blaxicans” and “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan scholars will evaluate author’s CLAIMS, PURPOSE, and use of IRONY in argumentative essays.

Agenda: 1.)  Research Project Task 3: Thesis Statement Mini Lesson 2.) Close Read ““Blaxicans””  3.) TICKET OUT: What is the central claim of Rodriguez’s essay?

Handouts: N/A

Homework: 1.) Read “Mother Tongue” 2.) Write THESIS Statement for Summer Reading Research Project: Post on Google Classroom by Friday 4 p.m.

FRIDAY: Post Read “Blaxicans” by Richard Rodriguez

Objective: By completing a progress check on “Blaxicans” and “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan scholars will provide evidence of  their ability to evaluate author’s CLAIMS, PURPOSE, and use of IRONY in argumentative essays.  

Agenda: 1)  Post Thesis Statement 2.) Philosophical Chairs 3.) Conversation Debrief

Handouts: N/A

Homework: 1.) Write THESIS Statement for Summer Reading Research Project: Post on Google Classroom by Friday 4 p.m. Progress Check on Monday will Cover “Mother Tongue” and “Blaxicans”


English 3P Honors Weekly Updates: 9.19-9.23

Monday: William Bradford Progress Check 

Objective: Write short essay that identifies central ideas of foundational text and analyzes use of IMAGERY AND ALLUSION as support.  

Agenda: Complete Progress Check

Handouts: N/A

Homework: NOTEBOOK CHECK Due FRIDAY & Annotated Bibliography for Summer Reading Research Project Due MONDAY 9.26

vasco-de-balboaTuesday: William Bradford Progress Check Revision

Objective: Write short essay that identifies central ideas of foundational text and analyzes use of IMAGERY AND ALLUSION as support.  

Agenda: 1.) Coming to America Learning Scale 2.) Progress Check Revision3.) How to write an annotated bibliography

Handouts: Annotated bibliography Instructions

Homework: NOTEBOOK CHECK Due FRIDAY & Annotated Bibliography for Summer Reading Research Project Due MONDAY 9.26

Wednesday: Pre-Reading “Balboa” by Sabina Murray

Objective: Describe the influence of the author’s background and the on-going influence of the work’s ideas on the American canon.  

Agenda: 1.) Vocabulary & Tone Preview 2.) Author’s & Subject’s Background, 3.) Ticket Out: Use Background to Predict author’s view

Handouts: Vocabulary Preview

Homework: NOTEBOOK CHECK Due FRIDAY & Annotated Bibliography for Summer Reading Research Project Due MONDAY 9.26

Thursday: Reading “Balboa” by Sabina Murray

Objective:After CLOSE READING “Balboa” by Sabina Murray students will be able to determine themes by analyzing characterization and structure including the use of flashback and foreshadowing.  

Agenda: 1.) How to write a bibliography  Video Guide 2.) Characterization & Character Traits 3.) Close Read “Balboa” pp. 77-83 with Focus on Characterization

Handouts: Dialectical Journal

Homework: NOTEBOOK CHECK Due FRIDAY & Annotated Bibliography for Summer Reading Research Project Due MONDAY 9.26

Friday: Post-Reading “Balboa” by Sabina Murray

Objective: After CLOSE READING: students will be able to determine themes by analyzing characterization and structure including the use of flashback and foreshadowing.  

Agenda: 1.) Flashback & Flashforward 2.) Summarize “Balboa” by Sabina Murray 3.) Literary Discussion using Lines of Communication

Handouts: Summary Template

Homework: NOTEBOOK CHECK Due TODAY & Annotated Bibliography for Summer Reading Research Project Due MONDAY 9.26



English 3P Honors: 9.12-9.16

Monday: Summer Reading Response & “Coming to America” Historical Context

Objective: 1.) After sharing reader response essay, students will develop quality questions to guide research process.

2.) After reading, “Exploration and Settlement” (p. 3) students will be able to describe the historical context for Collection 1: “Coming to America.”

AGENDA: 1.) Summer Reading Literary Circles 2.) How to write quality questions to guide research. 3.) Pick Up Textbooks (period 4 & 6) 4.) Exploration and Settlement: Read and 3-2-1 Check In

HANDOUTS:Summer Reading Response

Homework: Revise and Type Response Essay and Questions due FRIDAY on Google Classroom

Tuesday: Intro to William Bradford and “Of Plymouth Plantation”: Diction and Tone

Objective: 1.) Understand historical context of William Bradford’s “Of Plymouth Plantation” (5A) 2.) After vocabulary preview, students will be able to explain the effect of diction on tone.  

AGENDA: 1.)Immigration Graffitti Wall Questions 2.) Of Plymouth Plantation Vocabulary Preview 3.) William Bradford historical background 4.) Close Read pp. 5-8

HANDOUTS: William Bradford Powerpoint,

Homework: Revise and Type Response Essay and Questions due FRIDAY on Google Classroom

Wednesday: Central Ideas and Purpose in “Of Plymouth Plantation”: Dialectical Journal

Objective: Identify and analyze central ideas of foundational text.  

AGENDA: 1.) Of Plymouth Plantation Vocabulary Preview 2.) William Bradford historical background 4.) Close Read pp. 5-8 1.) Academic Terms: Archaic & Setting Purpose 2.) Close Read Chapter X pp. 9-13


William Bradford Powerpoint,  Tone Words Tool, Vocabulary Bank

Homework:1.)  Find Claim and examples of ALLUSION AND IMAGERY in “Of Plymouth Plantation” p. 5-8  

2.) Revise and Type Response Essay and Questions due FRIDAY on Google Classroom

Thursday: Central Claim and Imagery as Support in “Of Plymouth Plantation” 

Objective: Identify and analyze central ideas of foundational text.  

AGENDA: 1.) Literary Circles for “Of Plymouth Plantation” p. 5-8 2.) Jigsaw Read p. 9-13 3.) Whip Around

HANDOUTS: Summary Template

Homework: Read and Summarize “Of Plymouth Plantation” p. 14-17 Revise and Type Response Essay and Questions due FRIDAY on Google Classroom

Friday: Coffeehouse Discussion on “Of Plymouth Plantation” by William Bradford

Objective: Identify and analyze central ideas of foundational text.  

AGENDA: 1.) Bradford Coffee House Discussion 2.) Coffeehouse discussion 3.) Whip Around


Homework:  “Of Plymouth Plantation,” Progress Check #1 on MONDAY! 

Summer Reading Research:  Task 2 Find 3-5 articles on Summer Reading Novel that help you answer the research questions you developed.  At least one should be an article about your author.

Response Essay and Questions due TODAY @4 p.m. on Google Classroom 

English 3P Honors: 9.5-9.9

Philosophy-Header1Monday: LABOR DAY 

Tuesday: Socratic Seminar Prep

Objectives: Prepare for Socratic Seminar discussion of views on the concept of “AMERICA” and its implications on American Identity 

AGENDA: 1.) Interactive Notebook Rubric & Set Up  2.) Summer Reading Inquiry Project: Task 1 Due Friday 3.) Socratic Seminar #1 Preparation

HANDOUTS:Interactive Notebook Rubric & Set Up , Summer Reading Inquiry Project: Task 1 Instructions, Socratic Seminar Question Stems

Wednesday: Socratic Seminar #1

Objective : Gain a deeper understanding of framework of themes in the American literary canon by participating in a Socratic Seminar discussion.

AGENDA:  1.) Review of Roles  2.) Discussion session 1 & 2 3.) Socratic Seminar Evaluation

HANDOUTS: Socratic Seminar Evaluation Form

imagesThursday: Writing Anchor Analysis

Objective: After analyzing anchor essays, students will self-evaluate pre-assessment essay and set writing goals for the year.

AGENDA: 1.) “Good” Writing v. “Great” Writing  2.) Anchor Essay Analysis  3.) Essay Self-Evaluation

HANDOUTS: Anchor Calibrations

Friday: Writing Self-Analysis & Novel Response

Objective: After analyzing anchor essays, students will self-evaluate pre-assessment essay and set writing goals for the year.

AGENDA: 1.) Review Score Definitions 2.) Self-Assess Pre-Assessment Essay 3.  Summer Reading Response Paper Instruction

HANDOUTS: Summer Novel Reader Response

English 3P Honors: 9.1-9.2 Back to School Week

Thursday: Welcome Back Orientation

Friday: Pre-Assessment

Objective: Use annotated Summer Reading texts to write an essay that explores the concept of American Identity as a cultural and political metaphor:

“Letter from an American Farmer: Letter III: What is an American?” by Hector St. John De Crevecoer

American and Americans: Is the American Dream Even Real?” by John Steinbeck

“Let America be America Again” by Langston Hughes Let America Be America Again

Mexican American Literature & Culture Weekly Updates: 3.28-4.1

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Monday: Identity Unit Portfolio Presentation

Tuesday: Socratic Seminar, Question Stems and Socratic Seminar Evaluation Form

Wednesday: Introduction to Mexican American War

After completing CORNELL NOTES on video, Foreigners in their Own Land students will be able to write a summary that identifies significant historical contexts and issues which resulted from the Mexican American War.

Thursday: Write a Summary on “Foreigners in their Own Land

Friday: Art Analysis, “American Progress” by John Gast

English 3P Weekly Updates: 3.28-4.2

Unit Goal: By reading and annotating F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, students will be able to 1.) evaluate philosophical attitudes and views of the American Dream and 2.) identify Modernist features of subversion, alienation, and antiheroes 3.) analyze the use of symbolism and archetype to convey theme.

Monday: Identify DISSONANCE through the CHARACTERIZATION of Jay Gatsby as we close read Chapter 3 of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. 

Tuesday: Evaluate MOOD and identify examples of subversion, alienation, and antiheroes in Chapter 3.

Wednesday: Chapter 1-3 PROGRESS CHECK

  • Can you Summarize Chapter 1-3?
  • Can you describe the novel’s NARRATOR?  Can you identify the TONE AND MOOD he establishes in Chapters 1-3?

Thursday:  PROGRESS CHECK REVISION & start on Chapter 4.

Friday: Read Chapter 4-5.