English 3P Honors Weekly Updates: 1.9-1.13

Monday: Introduction to”Against Nature” by Joyce Carol Oates

Objective: Students will identify ways that Oates tries to to persuade the reader through the use of structure.

Agenda: 1.) Emily Dickinson Reflections 2.)  Joyce Carol Oates Background  3.) “Against Nature” Preview

Homework: The Individual and Society Final Portfolio Checklist

Tuesday: “Against Nature” by Joyce Carol Oates

Objective: Students will identify ways that Oates tries to to persuade the reader through the use of structure.

Agenda: 1.) Review Genre & Purpose 2.) Close Reading “Against Nature” by Joyce Carol Oates

Homework: The Individual and Society Final Portfolio Checklist

Wednesday: “Against Nature” by Joyce Carol Oates (Late Start)

Objective: Students will identify ways that Oates tries to to persuade the reader through the use of structure.

Agenda: 1.) Review “Against Nature” 2.) Dialectical Journal analyzing “Against Nature”

Homework: The Individual and Society Final Portfolio Checklist

Thursday: “Against Nature” Philosophical Chairs

Objective: Students will identify ways that Oates tries to to persuade the reader through the use of structure.

Agenda: 1.) Philosophical Chairs

Homework: The Individual and Society Final Portfolio Checklist

Friday: “Against Nature” Progress Check

Objective: Students will identify ways that Oates tries to to persuade the reader through the use of structure.

Agenda: 1.) Against Nature: Progress Check

Homework: The Individual and Society Final Portfolio Checklist

English 3P Honors Weekly Updates: 1.3-1.6

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Monday: No School for Observed Holiday

Tuesday: “Much Madness is divinest Sense”

Objective: After participating in Peer Revision Process, students will be able to self-assess, edit and revise Romanticism timed write.

Agenda: 1.) 2017 Intentions 2.) “Much Madness” Quick Analysis

Homework: NOTEBOOK Due Friday

Wednesday: Writing Revisions

Unit Goal: By completing unit portfolio which includes a reflective essay, an analytical essay, a poem, and an argumentative response students will provide evidence of standards mastery The Individual & Society Unit.

Objective: After participating in Peer Revision Process, students will be able to self-assess, edit and revise Romanticism timed write.

1.) Essay Revision 2.) Timed Write Reflection

Homework: NOTEBOOK Due Friday

Thursday: Intro to Emily Dickinson

Unit Goal: By completing unit portfolio which includes a reflective essay, an analytical essay, a poem, and an argumentative response students will provide evidence of standards mastery The Individual & Society Unit.

Objective: After analyzing poems by Emily Dickinson, students will be able to evaluate how she uses figurative language to express feelings about life.

1.) Emily Dickinson Background 2.) Poems by Emily Dickinson 3.) Emily Dickinson Close Reading

Homework: NOTEBOOK Due Friday Bring The Scarlet Letter 

Friday: Response to Emily Dickinson

Unit Goal: By completing unit portfolio which includes a reflective essay, an analytical essay, a poem, and an argumentative response students will provide evidence of standards mastery The Individual & Society Unit.

Objective: After analyzing poems by Emily Dickinson, students will be able to WRITE A READER RESPONSE that evaluates how she uses figurative language to express feelings about life.

1.) Emily Dickinson Give One Get One  2.) Reader Response Overview 3.) Reader Response

Homework: NOTEBOOK Due Friday Bring The Scarlet Letter 

English 3P Honors: 12.12-12.16

Monday: The Individual and Society in Romanticism Progress Check 2

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of the INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Dark Romantic literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY.

AGENDA: 1. Review Objective for Progress Check 2 Assessment

Handouts: Progress Check Revision Guide

Homework: Read The Scarlet Letter Chapter 21-24, Identify Romantic Features, Write a Summary, Socratic Seminar Questions

Tuesday: The Individual and Society in Romanticism Progress Check 2 Self Assessment

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of the INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Dark Romantic literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA: 1. Review Objective for Progress Check #2  Assessment 2. Progress Check Revision Guide

Homework: Read The Scarlet Letter Chapter 21-24, Identify Romantic Features, Write a Summary, Socratic Seminar Questions

Wednesday: Healthy Kids Survey

Homework: Read The Scarlet Letter Chapter 21-24, Identify Romantic Features, Write a Summary, Socratic Seminar Questions

Thursday: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Socratic Seminar

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Dark Romantic literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY.

AGENDA: Socratic Seminar

Handouts: N/A

Homework: Read The Scarlet Letter Chapter 21-24, Identify Romantic Features, Write a Summary, Socratic Seminar Questions

Friday: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Unit Final

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Dark Romantic literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY.

AGENDA: Socratic Seminar

Handouts: N/A

Homework: Read The Scarlet Letter Chapter 21-24, Identify Romantic Features, Write a Summary, Socratic Seminar Questions

English 3P Honors: Weekly Updates 12.5-12.9

Monday: The Individual and Society in Romanticism Progress Check 1 Self Assessment

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of the INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY.

AGENDA: 1. Review Objective for Progress Check 1 Assessment

Handouts: Progress Check Revision Guide

Homework: Read Chapter 11-16 of The Scarlet Letter

Tuesday: The Individual and Society in Romanticism Progress Check 1 Self Assessment

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of the INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA: 1. Review Objective for Progress Check #1  Assessment 2. Progress Check Revision Guide

Handouts: Progress Check Revision Guide, Romanticism Learning Scale

Homework:Background Video, “The Raven” read by Christopher Walken, The Raven Poem

Wednesday: Symbolism in “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of the INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Dark Romantic literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views of Death.

AGENDA: 1. Review definition of Symbolism 2.  2nd Read and watch “The Raven” look for DEPICTION OF SYMBOLS in the film clip 3.  “The Raven” Says Means Matters

Handouts: Edgar Allan Poe Notes, “The Raven” film clip, The Raven Poem

HomeworkRead & Summarize Chapter 11-16 of The Scarlet Letter

Thursday: Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of the INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Dark Romantic literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views of Death.

AGENDA: 1. Reading Check Chapters 11-16 2.  SYMBOLISM in The Scarlet Letter Ch. 11-16 Gallery Walk

Handouts: N/A

Homework: Socratic Seminar Prep Questions

Friday: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Socratic Seminar

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Dark Romantic literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY.

AGENDA: Socratic Seminar

Handouts: N/A

Homework: Socratic Seminar Question Stems, Read Chapter 6-10 of The Scarlet Letter

English 3P Honors Weekly Updates: 11.29-12.2

TUESDAY: Introduction to Henry David Thoreau

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA: 1. Henry David Thoreau Background 2.  Find Central Claim in “Walden” p. 207-216

Handouts: N/A

Homework: Dialectical Journal  & Summary 

WEDNESDAY: Figurative Language in “Walden” by Henry David Thoreau

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA: 1. The Scarlet Letter Reading Check 2.  Transcendentalist Ideals in “Walden” p. 207-216

Handouts: N/A

Homework: The Scarlet Letter Chapter 1-5 Summary

THURSDAY: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Literature Circles

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA: 1. The Scarlet Letter Chapter Summary 2. Literary Circles and Socratic Seminar Preparation

Handouts: N/A

Homework: Socratic Seminar Question Stems, Read Chapter 6-10 of The Scarlet Letter

Friday: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Socratic Seminar

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA: Socratic Seminar

Handouts: N/A

Homework: Socratic Seminar Question Stems, Read Chapter 6-10 of The Scarlet Letter, NOTEBOOKS DUE!

The Research Paper

research Unit Goal: Write a research paper that analyzes themes of summer reading novel through the use of expert sources. 

Task 1 & 2: Novel Response & Research Question

a. Instructions

b. Sample



Task 2: Research & Annotated Bibliography

a.  Instructions

b. Sample

Task 3: Introduction

Task 4: Essay Outline

Task 5: Draft 1 & Revision

Task 6: Final Draft & Reflection

English 3P Honors Weekly Updates 11.14-11.18

MONDAY: Introduction to Transcendentalism

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: Students can define features of American Transcendentalism as a cultural and intellectual movement that arose out of the historical context of the early 19th century.

AGENDA: 1. “Song of Myself” Quick Analysis 2. Introduction to Transcendentalism 3. Ralph Waldo Emerson Background

Handouts:  Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes

Homework:  Close Read “Nature” and “Self-Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

TUESDAY: “NATURE” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA: 1. Summarizing Statement for Nature  2.  Complete SAYS MEANS MATTERS in PODS

Handouts: Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes, SAYS MEANS MATTERS

Homework:SAYS MEANS MATTERS for “Nature” in your Notebook

WEDNESDAY: “Self Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA:1. Summarizing Statement for Nature  2.  Complete SAYS MEANS MATTERS in PODS

Handouts: Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes

Homework: Complete SAYS MEANS MATTERS for “Self Reliance” in your Notebook, PROGRESS CHECK 3.1 on Monday!

THURSDAY: “Self Reliance” & “Nature” Philosophical Chairs

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By discussing ideas in Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA:1. Comparative Summary for Nature  & “Self Reliance” 2.  Transcendentalism Philosophical Chairs

Handouts: Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes

Homework: Complete SAYS MEANS MATTERS for “Self Reliance” in your Notebook, PROGRESS CHECK 3.1 on Monday!

FRIDAY: District Writing Assessment


English 3P Honors Weekly Updates: 11.7-11.10

MONDAY: Introduction to Romanticism

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: Students can define features of American Romanticism as a cultural and intellectual movement that arose out of the historical context of the early 19th century by completing notes.

Handouts: Notes

Homework:  N/A

TUESDAY: Introduction to Transcendentalism

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: Students can define features of American Transcendentalism as a cultural and intellectual movement that arose out of the historical context of the early 19th century.

Handouts: “Thanaptosis” Close Read , Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes

Homework:  N/A

WEDNESDAY: “NATURE” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA: 1. Read an annotate Nature as a class 2.  Complete SAYS MEANS MATTERS in PODS

Handouts: Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes, SAYS MEANS MATTERS

Homework: Summarize “Nature,” in your Notebook

THURSDAY: “Self Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unit Goal:Write an essay that defines American Romanticism’s views of INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY and examines their use of stylistic devices such as imagery, figures of speech, paradox and symbolism to communicate philosophical attitudes and themes.

Objective: By reading and annotating Transcendentalist literature, students will be able to: 1.) identify author’s argument 2.) analyze the effect of imagery, figures of speech and symbolism to communicate views on NATURE.

AGENDA: 1. Read an annotate “Self Reliance” in PODS

Handouts: Emerson’s Transcendentalism Notes

HomeworkSummarize & Complete SAYS MEANS MATTERS for “Self Reliance” in your Notebook, PROGRESS CHECK 3.1 on Monday!

FRIDAY: No School Veterans Day


English 3P Honors Weekly Updates: 10.31-11.4

Monday: Introduction to The Interesting Life of Olaudah Equiano

OBJECTIVE: Write an informative presentation on how each author, character, or historical figures strikes a balance between preserving individual rights and forming a strong, long-lasting union.  

Agenda: 1.) Olaudah Equiano Close Reading Guide 2.) Olaudah Equiano Background Video 3.) “The Autobiography of Olaudah Equiano,” by Olaudah Equiano (AKA Gustavus Vassa)

Handouts: N/A

HomeworkSummer Reading Research Paper Final Draft  (Click here for sample) due Friday November, 4 on Google Classroom by 4 p.m., ESSAY FINAL DRAFT CHECKLIST

Monday: The Interesting Life of Olaudah Equiano

OBJECTIVE: Write an informative presentation on how each author, character, or historical figures strikes a balance between preserving individual rights and forming a strong, long-lasting union.  

Agenda: 1.) Olaudah Equiano Close Reading Guide 3.) “The Autobiography of Olaudah Equiano,” by Olaudah Equiano (AKA Gustavus Vassa)

Handouts: SOAPS

HomeworkSummer Reading Research Paper Final Draft  (Click here for sample) due Friday November, 4 on Google Classroom by 4 p.m.

Wednesday: Quarter 2 Benchmark

HomeworkSummer Reading Research Paper Final Draft  (Click here for sample) due Friday November, 4 on Google Classroom by 4 p.m.

“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” –Socrates

Thursday: Socratic Seminar Preparation

OBJECTIVE: Create an informative presentation on how each author, character, or historical figures strikes a balance between preserving individual rights and forming a strong, long-lasting union.  

Agenda: 1.) Socratic Seminar Prep: “Did Fear of Slave Revolts Inspire the American Revolution?”

Handouts:  Socratic Seminar Evaluation Guide

Homework:  Summer Reading Research Paper Final Draft  (Click here for sample) due Friday November, 4 on Google Classroom by 4 p.m.

Friday: Building a Democracy Socratic Seminar

OBJECTIVE: Create an informative presentation on how each author, character, or historical figures strikes a balance between preserving individual rights and forming a strong, long-lasting union.  

Agenda: 1.) Building a Democracy Socratic Seminar 

Handouts:  Socratic Seminar Evaluation Guide

HomeworkSummer Reading Research Paper Final Draft  (Click here for sample) due Friday November, 4 on Google Classroom by 4 p.m.

English 3P Honors Weekly Updates: 10.24-10.29

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Monday: The Declaration of Independence

OBJECTIVE: Write an informative essay on how each author, character, or historical figures strikes a balance between preserving individual rights and forming a strong, long-lasting union.  

Agenda: 1.) Rhetorical Strategies and The Declaration Of Independence 2.) SAYS MEANS MATTERS

Handouts: Says Means Matters

Homework: Read The Constitution (p. 121) and Write Comparative Summary “The Declaration of Independence”, Summer Reading Research Paper Draft 1 (Click here for sample) due Friday October 29.

Tuesday: Foundational Documents & Ideas Learning Stations Day 1

OBJECTIVE: Write an informative essay on how each author, character, or historical figures strikes a balance between preserving individual rights and forming a strong, long-lasting union.  

Agenda: 1.) Learning Stations Instructions 2.) Learning Stations

Handouts: 1. Dialectical Journal, 2. Says Means Matters 3. Comparative Summmary 4. Summary Template 5. SOAPS

HomeworkSummer Reading Research Paper Draft 1 (Click here for sample) due Friday October 29.

Wednesday: Foundational Documents & Ideas Learning Stations Day 2

OBJECTIVE: Write an informative essay on how each author, character, or historical figures strikes a balance between preserving individual rights and forming a strong, long-lasting union.  

Agenda: 1.) Learning Stations Instructions 2.) Learning Stations

Handouts: 1. Dialectical Journal, 2. Says Means Matters 3. Comparative Summmary 4. Summary Template 5. SOAPS

HomeworkSummer Reading Research Paper Draft 1 (Click here for sample) due Friday October 29.

Thursday: Foundational Documents & Ideas Learning Stations Day 3

OBJECTIVE: Write an informative essay on how each author, character, or historical figures strikes a balance between preserving individual rights and forming a strong, long-lasting union.  

Agenda: 1.) Learning Stations Instructions 2.) Learning Stations

Handouts: 1. Dialectical Journal, 2. Says Means Matters 3. Comparative Summmary 4. Summary Template 5. SOAPS

HomeworkSummer Reading Research Paper Draft 1 (Click here for sample) due Friday October 29.

Friday: Research Paper Revision

OBJECTIVE: Write a Research Paper that investigates author’s background and themes of American Identity and ideals in contemporary novels.

Agenda: 1.) Essay Revisions

Handouts: Revision Checklist, Rubric

Homework: Summer Novel Research Draft #1 Due: Friday October 29