This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 9.24-9.28

AP Seminar, Period 1

Monday: 1.) AP Capstone Meeting: Sign Up for Dashboard & Parent Meeting 2.) Group Project Meeting: How will you PVLEGS to effectively communicate your argument about the PURPOSE of EDUCATION?

Tuesday: 1. 3 Minute Thesis PVLEG Analysis: How do presenters create and maintain an appropriate relationship with the audience through  POISE, VOICE, LIFE, EYE CONTACT, GESTURES 2. Group Project Presentations w/ Performance Focus on PVLEG

Wednesday: 1.) PVLEG Reflection 2.) EOC Section 1: Rubric Analysis Essay Calibration and Analysis

Thursday: Essay Calibration and Analysis

Friday: EOC Section 1: Question 1, 2, 3 Peer Evaluation and Self Reflection

Mexican American Literature: Period 2, 6

Monday: 1.) Half Like Me Debrief 2.) Quote Four Corner Discussion 3.) Introduction to  “Silence Concerning an Ancient Stone”

Tuesday: “Silence Concerning an Ancient Stone” Summary & Discussion

Wednesday: Guest Speaker: Karina Valdez, GGHS College Advisor

Thursday“Read Between the Lines” Mural by David Botello and Poetry Workshops

Friday: 1.) “Read Between the Lines” Mural by David Botello 2.) “Half Like Me” Part 2

English 3P Honors:

Monday: 1.) Progress Check Revision Day 2

H.W. Read Mother Tongue by Amy Tan in Close Reader complete annotations in book and analysis question in NOTEBOOK 

Tuesday: 1.) Introduction to “Blaxicans and Other Reinvented America” 2.) Richard Rodriguez  Compare Rodriguez and Tan’s use of ANECDOTE & IRONY to convey views of ASSIMILATION.“Blaxicans and Other Reinvented Americans” by Richard Rodriguez 

Wednesday: 1.) Write Comparative Summary of Rodriguez and Tan 2.) Read Viet Thanh NguyenThe Immigrant’s Fate is Everyone’s”

Thursday: 1.) Pick up The Namesake from the Bookstore 2.) Read Viet Thanh NguyenThe Immigrant’s Fate is Everyone’s”

Friday: Socratic Seminar #2

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 9.17-9.21 Weekly Updates

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Period 1: AP Seminar

Monday: 1.) Capstone Scholars Meeting: (Meeting Notes) 2.) Socratic Chairs Prep: Do you agree or disagree with  “Dropping out of College” by Rainford Stauffer (newspaper editorial)? Why or why not?

H.W. Instagram Tag or Google Class @AlbasClassGGHS: Photo Answer to “What is the purpose of education?” Video Interviews or Photo Essay (Keep it Academic!) by Tuesday 9/25.  Include #Hashtags 

Tuesday: 1.) Socratic Chairs Discussion: Rainsford Stauffer v. Hzun Tsu 2.) Finding the line of reasoning by Marking the Text

H.W. Read “Dropping Out of College and Paying the Price by Eduardo Porter” for first Progress Check: a. Identify the author’s argument? b. Identify the author’s line of reasoning by identifying claims used to build the argument and connections between them c. Evaluate the effectiveness of the evidence used to support claims.  

Wednesday:  Progress Check #1: EOC Section 1

Thursday:  Progress Check Analysis and Self Evaluation

Friday: Guest Speaker Walter Muneton

Period 2, 6: Mexican American Literature and Culture

Monday Analytical Summary of Frank Mundo’s “How I Became a Mexican” from Ban This! The BSP Anthlogy of Xican@ Literature (Lines of Communication)

Tuesday: 1.  Michelle Serros Background: What does the short story “Senior Picture Day” reveal about the narrator’s identity and her relationship to an “Indian” heritage? 2. “Senior Picture Day” from How to be a Chicana Role Model

WednesdayWhat does the short story “Senior Picture Day” reveal about the narrator’s identity and her relationship to an “Indian” heritage? 2. “Senior Picture Day” from How to be a Chicana Role Model

Thursday:  1.) After watching Part II of La Plaza Interview with Michele Serros, students will write a Author Background Paragraph on Michele Serros 2.) Write an Expository Summary

Friday: 1.) Assimilation? Acculturation? or Resistance? Write an Expository Summary on Michele Serros’s short story “Senior Picture Day”  2.) Complete Cornell Notes from “Half Like Me” by Al Madrigal

Period 3,4: English 3P Honors

Monday: Second Read of William Bradford’s “Of Plymouth Plantation”

HW. The Crucible Novel Response due Friday 9/21

Tuesday: Complete Summary Template on “Of Plymouth Plantation” 2.) Bradford Coffee House Discussion

Wednesday: Progress Check #1: How does William Bradford use IMAGERY and ALLUSION to support CENTRAL IDEA?

Thursday: Progress Check Revision: Revision Guide & Progress Check Reflection Log

Friday: 1. Turn in The Crucible Reader Response Essay: 2. Finish Writing Workshop for “Of Plymouth Plantation: by William Bradford” Progress Check Revision.

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 9.10-9.14

Period 1: AP Seminar

Monday: 1.) Close Reading AP Sem 2.) What is the purpose of education? 3.) MLK Quote Analysis 4.) Analysis: “The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters” by Francisco Goya

Tuesday: 1.) Goya OPTIC Analysis 2.) “The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato

H.W. Notebooks due Friday! 

Wednesday: Collaboration Day! 1.) “The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato

Thursday: 1.) Gallery Walk: “How classrooms look around the world” by Valerie Strauss (Photo Essay) 2.) “Encouraging Learning” by Hsun Tzu

H.W.) Read and annotate  “Dropping out of College” by Rainford Stauffer (newspaper editorial)

Friday: Socratic Chairs Do you agree or disagree with  “Dropping out of College” by Rainford Stauffer (newspaper editorial)? Why or why not?

H.W. Instagram Tag or Google Class @AlbasClassGGHS: Photo Answer to “What is the purpose of education?” Video Interviews or Photo Essay (Keep it Academic!) by Friday.  Include #Hashtags 

Period 2 & 6: Mexican American Literature and Culture

Monday: 1.) Family Search #2 2.) Identity Corners

Tuesday: Philosophical Chairs  Prep

Wednesday: Collaboration Day Philosophical Chairs  Prep

Thursday: 1.) Why Ethnic Studies by Ron Espiritu 2.) “How I became a Mexican” by Frank Mundo from  Ban This: A BSP Anthology of Xican@ Literature 3. Analytical Summary of Frank Mundo’s “How I Became a Mexican”

Friday: 1.)Notebook Check: Rubric  Project Choice a.) Judge my book by its cover b..) “How I became” Poems c. Family Stories

Period 3 & 4: English 3P Honors

Monday: 1.) Family Search and Research 2.) Introduction to Collection 1: Coming to America

Tuesday: 2.) What is TIEAC? 2.) 1A. Summer Novel Reader Response b. 2A. Sample Response Q. 2.) Immigration Gallery Walk

H.W. Notebooks due Friday 9/14, The Crucible Novel Response due Friday 9/21

Wednesday: 1. First Read “Of Plymouth Plantation” by William Bradford p. 5

Thursday: Second Read of William Bradford’s “Of Plymouth Plantation” by completing Summary Template 2.) Bradford Coffee House Discussion

Friday: 1.) Notebook Check: Rubric 2.) Bradford Coffee House Discussion

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 9.4-9.7

Period 1: AP Seminar

Tuesday: 1.)  Q.U.E.S.T for Beauty Group Presentations: DirectionsRubric

Wednesday: 1.) Beauty Presentations Reflections and Critical Feedback

Thursday: 1. The Art of Explanation 2.) Individual Goals for Presentation

Friday: Individual Goals for Presentation: Take 2! Watch your presentation video and complete the reflection form in Google Classroom.

Period 2, 6: Mexican American Literature and Culture

Tuesday: 1.) Family Search (Lines of Communication) 2.) What are “The Dangers of a Single Story” according to Chimamanda Ngonzi Adichie?  Do you agree? Why or why not?

Wednesday: 1. “In Lak-Ech” by Luis Valdez

Thursday: 1.) Why not Ethnic Studies? 2.)Philsophical Chairs (Handout)

Friday: 2.)  Race, Ethnicity, NationalityIdentity Corners

Period 3, 4: English 3P Honors

Tuesday: Socratic Seminar #1 : Socratic Seminar Evaluation Form

Wednesday: 1.) Socratic Seminar Reflection 2.) Rubric Analysis Anchor Calibrations & Writing Self-Assessment & Goal Setting

ThursdayAnchor Calibrations  Writing Self-Assessment & Goal Setting

Friday: Writing Self-Assessment & Goal Setting Pick up Textbooks & Writing Self-Assessment & Goal Setting

Happy New Year! This week in Ms. Alba’s Class…

Period 1: AP Seminar

Wednesday: 1.) Class Orientation & Tech Connect 2.) AP® Seminar Student Syllabus 3.) “Advice to Young Poets”  Quick Analysis

H.W. Get SYLLABUS SIGNED & TYPE Beauty Individual Argument: Due Tuesday, 9.4

Thursday: 1.) What is Beauty? : Reflection 2.) Q.U.E.S.T for Beauty Group Project: DirectionsRubric

Friday: Beauty Presentations Preparation: Synthesize Ideas on with Team and Transform them into Multimedia Presentation.

English 3P Honors

Wednesday: 1.)Class Orientation & Tech Connect  2.) ENGLISH 3P HONORS SYLLABUS Review 3.)“Advice to Young Poets”  Quick Analysis

H.W. Summer Reading Annotations for articles Due TOMORROW (Hard Copy):

“Letter from an American Farmer: Letter III: What is an American?” by Hector St. John De Crevecoer

American and Americans: Is the American Dream Even Real?” by John Steinbeck

“Let America be America Again” by Langston Hughes Let America Be America Again

Thursday: Summer Reading Timed Write: Diagnostic Assessment

Friday: What is America?: Use Summer Reading Annotation to develop Questions for Socratic Seminar #1 and Socratic Seminar Evaluation Form.

Mexican American Literature

Wednesday:1.) Class Orientation & Tech Connect  2.) Mexican American Literature Syllabus3.)“Advice to Young Poets”  Quick Analysis

Thursday: 1.) Notebook Setup & Interactive Notebook Rubric & Guidelines 2.)  What’s in a Name? (w/ pods)

Friday: 1.)What’s in a Name? (w/ pods) 2.) Family Search (Lines of Communication)

Internship Opportunity: Human Relations Ambassadors Program! See Ms. Alba or Ms. Martinez for more info.

Human Relations Ambassadors Program

Program Description

The Human Relations Ambassadors Program is a yearlong internship designed to provide advanced human relations training and skills to a diverse cross section of Orange County youths who are committed to diversity, inclusion, and social justice. Ambassadors further the mission of OC Human Relations by serving as youth representatives of the agency in their communities and at events as participants, presenters, or facilitators.

Mission Statement

HRAP seeks to create a safe environment for students to attain the skills and knowledge in order to become leaders that can reach out to the diverse communities of OC as part of a larger human relations and social justice movement.

  • Open to all high school youth across Orange County.
  • Students can apply with the attached application, or online at

Application Priority Deadline: Friday September 7th, 5:00pm.

Weekly Updates: 6.11-6.15

AP Seminar: Period 1

This week, students will reflect on Individual Research Report and use Rubric to Self Assess evidence of Proficiencies in Task 1.  

Monday:  Research Methods: Final Project

TuesdayResearch Methods: Final Project: Final Presentations Peer Evaluation

Wednesday: AP Research Reflection

Thursday: Finals 2, 4, 6

Friday: Finals 1,3, 5

English 3P Honors: Period 2, 5, 6

This week, students will analyze themes in 20th Century American literature and political thought by analyzing Judy Baca’s World Wall and Examining argument in Civil Rights Speeches.  

Monday: 1. “Masters of War” Lyrics by Bob Dylan 2. Cesar Chavez Background Video 2. Lessons of Dr. King by Cesar Chavez Read and Write a Found Poem

H.W. “A Balance Between Nature and Nurture” by Gloria Steinem, (ListenSecond Semester Portfolio

Tuesday: 1. Judy Baca 2. World Wall Murals 3.  Judy Baca Imagery Poems

H.W. Second Semester Portfolio

Wednesday: 1. Magnetic & 2. Dialogue Poems

H.W.) Second Semester Portfolio


Thursday: Finals for 2, 4, 6 Symposium

Friday: Finals for 1, 3, 5

Creative Writing: Period 3

This week, students will complete a staged reading of Play.  

Monday: 1. Table Read

Tuesday: 1. Stage Reading of Play for Seniors

Wednesday: Staged Reading

Thursday: Finals 2, 4, 6

Friday: Finals 1, 3, 5 Best of Reading