This week in Ms. Alba’s Class 12.3-12.7

AP Seminar: Period 1

This week, we will form teams and build RESEARCH QUESTIONS on TOPICS of interest.  

Monday: 1.) Collect Revisions (revision reflection) 2.) Create E-Link using SUMMARIZING STATEMENT for Three JOURNALISTIC SOURCES about STUFF that matters to you Themes and Perspectives.

Tuesday: 1.) Introduction to SCOUT mentality and research: Why you think you’re right even when you’re wrong by Julia Galef 2.) Team Set Up and Charter

H.W. Research Proposal: How to Write Research Proposal Guide 

Wednesday:  1.) Choose TOPIC after hearing team maters Research Proposal Elevator Pitch. 2.)  Question Development Activity (Handout)

Thursday: Finalize Research Question and Decide on Lenses

FridayI.  ReadingEvaluating Credible Sources Stanford Research

Mexican American Literature: Period 2, 6

Monday: 1.) Corridos as Counternarratives Unit Debrief Poems

Tuesday: 1.) Dialogue Poems Reading 2.) La Llorona Cuento Share0ut

Wednesday: I.  Pre-reading: What is a cuento or a folk taleWhat is its function? Who is LA LLORONA?

Thursday: I.  Reading: “La Llorona“, Spiritual Cleansing: A Mexican Ghost Story“Woman Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros,

Friday: I.  Post Reading: Analytical SummarySOAPS Analysis, Write your Own Cuento starring La Llorona

English 3P Honors: Period 3, 4

Monday: 1.) Introduction to SCOUT mentality and research: Why you think you’re right even when you’re wrong by Julia Galef 2.) Argument Outline Template your Argument and use A List of Rhetorical Devices to strategize your approach. 3.) Build your Annotated Bibliography

Tuesday: Debate Prep: What Rhetorical Devices will you use?

WednesdayDebate Prep: How to Argue and a list of Logical Fallacies 

Thursday:Debate Prep: Rubric & Reflection

Friday:Debate Prep: Rubric & Reflection TURN IN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 11.25-12.1

AP Seminar: Period 1

This week, we will begin to familiarize ourselves with Team Multimedia Presentation and begin to build on TOPICS of interest.  

Tuesday: EOC Section II Essay Revision: Content Analysis

H.W. Use Feedback to Revise and Rewrite your AP SEMINAR FREE RESPONSE Individual Argument.  Use PEER FEEDBACK, the Argument Outline Template , Essay Revision POWERPOINT, and Academic Conversation Templates to PROFESSIONALIZE your ideas.  The essay MUST be typed and written in MLA format (VIDEO TUTORIAL) and include a properly formatted Works Cited (VIDEO TUTORIAL) Page.  This is due on Monday, December 3rd.

Wednesday:  Presentation Retakes & AP Capstone Seminar Performance Task Handouts 1 and 2: Individual Research Report (Sample & Rubric) & Team Multimedia Presentation (Sample & Rubric)

Thursday: 1.) Read “This Article Won’t Change Your Mind” by Julie Beck 2.) Write E-Link Annotated Bibliography Three Articles about things that matter to you Themes and Perspectives

Friday: 1. Quaker Share and Quick Analysis“This Article Won’t Change Your Mind” 2. Topic Interest Interviews

H.W. Revise AP SEMINAR FREE RESPONSE Individual Argument, Flip Grid Introduction & Team Member Requests

Mexican American Literature: Period 2

Tuesday: Watch Film:  The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez written by Americo Paredes & Victor Villaseñor 

Wednesday: Finish Film and Corrido Archetypes

Thursday: 1.) Gregorio Cortez: the myth &  the man

Friday: 1.) Corridos as Counternarratives Unit Debrief Poems

English 3P Honors: Period 3 & 4

Tuesday: Colonial Poetry: Phyllis Wheatley and Philip Freneau and the poets’ vision of America.

Wednesday: Introduction to Debate

Thursday:Debate Prep Day 1

Friday: 1.  What is an Annotated Bibliography: How do you make one using SOAPS)? Debate Prep Day 2: After being given Debate Stance using previous Building a Democracy: Four Square Discussion stances and outline team member roles using TEAM DEBATES: Directions (PDF).

H.W. Over the weekend select TWO Sources from the COLLECTION 2: Building a Democracy and Research TWO CREDIBLE SOURCES to defend your group’s stance.  Create an Annotated Bibliography with an analytical summary of all your sources.  This will be due on Debate Day: Wednesday and Thursday, December 5 & 6.

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 11.11-11.16

AP Seminar: Period 1

Tuesday: Last Presentation Day  ACOVA &  IMP RUBRIC

H.W. Prepare for EOC Part B Free Response Questions (FRQ) Timed Write  Student Samples 

Wednesday: EOC Section II FRQ Timed Write

Thursday: EOC Section II FRQ Peer Evaluation: Essay Revision

H.W. Revised FRQ w/ Feedback due Friday 11/16

Friday: View Presentation Video and Use Feedback to Reflect on Presentation Proficiencies.

Mexican American Literature: Period 2 & 6

Tuesday: Corrido de Joaquin Murrieta and El Corrido de Gregorio Cortez SOAPS Analysis

Wednesday: Comparative Summary ofJoaquin Murrieta and El Corrido de Gregorio Cortez

Thursday: Introduction to Gregorio Cortez: Notes The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez

Friday: Watch The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez

English 3P Honors: Period 3 & 4

Tuesday: Building a Democracy Compare Foundational Documents using SOAPS

  1. Jefferson Notes 2.) The Declaration of Independence 3.)  H.W. Read The Constitution in The Close Reader and Complete SOAPS

Wednesday: Building a Democracy Compare Foundational Documents using SOAPS

  1.  Review The Consitution SOAPS 2. Comparative Summary for  The Declaration of Independence & The Constitution

Thursday: 1. Compare democratic ideals and evaluate their impact on American government by reading Ron Chernow’s “Thomas Jefferson & Alexander Hamilton: The Best of Enemies” p. 141 in the Textbook. 2. Analyze the purpose of Chernow’s historical article by completing SOAPS.

Friday: Compare democratic ideals and evaluate their impact on American government by participating in Building a Democracy Learning Stations.

  1. Interactive Notebook DUE 2.) Building A Democracy Learning Stations 3. SOAPS

The Namesake Final Essay Resource List

She would love to find genuine abiraterone medication within the pharmacy on the web unreservedly… You don’t need a prescription to buy the pills. Be lucky and Get free pills like me. Abiraterone 250mg Discounted Price From the endocrine framework: inconsistently – adrenal inadequacy On the part of research facility markers: all the time hypokalemia; regularly, hypertriglyceridemia, expanded ALT movement From the cardiovascular framework: frequently – blood vessel hypertension; regularly, heart disappointment, including intense heart disappointment, left ventricular disappointment, the decline in the discharge portion of the left ventricle, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, tachycardia.
Purpose: The Namesake Final Essay will be evidence of your ability to use FEEDBACK to revise and refine your writing.  Use the resources below to revise your original timed write and show growth. Your essay MUST BE 800-1000 words TYPED in MLA FORMAT.  Use all previous work and the following resources as support.  

  1. The Namesake Full Essay Single Point Rubric for TIMED WRITE
  3. Sample Literary Analysis Essay synthesis
  4. How to format essay in MLA Format on Google Docs
  5. Literary Analysis Thesis Guide: Video
  6. Powerful Verbs for Essays
  7. The Ten Commandments of Literary Quotation
  8. Sentence Variety

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class 11.5-11.9

AP Seminar: Period 1

Monday: 1. Presentation Prep: Do and Don’t 2.) Use ACOVA Checklist and Preview Presentation with a partner.

Tuesday: 1.) Presentation Prep a.) Rehearsal with ACOVA Checklist

Wednesday: Presentation Day 1: ACOVA Peer Review & IMP RUBRIC

Thursday: Presentation Day 2

Friday: Presentation Day 3

H.W. Prepare for EOC Section II Free Response Questions Timed Write  Student Samples 

Mexican American Literature and Culture: Period 2, 6

Monday: The Head of Joaquin Murrieta by John J. Valadez

Tuesday: Introduction Study of Corridos: Corridos Graffitti Wall Questions

Wednesday: 1.) Corridos as Counternarratives from the Voices of the Subaltern 2. Your Life in a Five Song Playlist

Thursday: Introduction to Americo Paredes Corrido de Joaquin Murrieta and El Corrido de Gregorio Cortez Comparative Analysis

Friday: 1. “El Corrido” by Los Tigres del Norte Lyric Quick Analysis What is the Corrido Infosheet 2.) Corrido de Joaquin Murrieta and El Corrido de Gregorio Cortez SOAPS Analysis

English 3P: Period 3, 4

Monday: The Namesake Essay Revision Workshop.  Essay Revision

H.W. The Namesake MLA Format Revised Essay with Background Paragraph due on Tuesday, November 13! Tools: Revision Checklist

Tuesday: Essay Revision Presentation: The Power of a Literary Analysis Thesis: Guide

Wednesday: 1. Thesis Statement Revisions: Literary Analysis Thesis: Guide  Jordan Quote Analysis 2.) Democracy 4 square Prep

Friday: Democracy 4 square

H.W. The Namesake Revised Essay with all Background Work due November 13-16!


This week in Ms. Alba’s Class 10.29-11.2

Kapseln Im Internet Kaufen. Weltweit Transport. Die Besten Günstigsten Gebühren Für Alle Medikamente. Jeder Site-Kunde Ruft Dazu Auf, In Diesem Online-Shop [URRLL] Zuverlässig Kostenlos In Der Düsseldorfer Apotheke Vor Ort Einzukaufen. Mit Ausgezeichnetem Preisnachlass. Jetzt Kenne Ich Die Internetseite Mit Echten Informationen über Medikamente Und Deren Kaufmöglichkeiten.

AP Seminar: Period 1

Monday: 1. What is an Annotated Bibliography? Annotated Bibliography Due on Friday: 5 Citations, 5 Annotations, 5 sentences each minimum.

Tuesday: 1.) Complete Five Entries for Annotated Bibliography by Friday.

Wednesday: 1.) Classic Model for an Argument? 2.) Just the Facts: Line of Reasoning Infographic: Example 3.) Play with Piktochart or Continue Working on Annotated Bibliography.

Thursday: Presentation Prep

Friday: Presentation Prep: Use ACOVA Checklist and Preview Presentation with a partner.

Mexican American Literature: Period 2 & 6

Monday: 1.) Review Metanarrative 2.) OPTIC Analysis of John Gast’s “American Progress”

Tuesday:2) What is a COUNTERNARRATIVE? 2.) OPTIC Analysis on Lalo Alcaraz’s “Never Forget”

Wednesday: 1. Lalo Alcaraz Background 2.) Comparative Summary on “American Progress” and”Never Forget”

Thursday: 1.) What is a CORRIDO? Why study CORRIDOS? 2.) Introduction to Americo Paredes

Friday: Guest Speaker: Frank Mundo author of “How I Became a Mexican” The Brubury Tales, Different, and Touched by an Anglo

English 3P Honors: Period 3 & 4

Monday: 1.) Expert Corners and Literary Circles for Ch. 10-12 of The Namesake

Tuesday: Quarter 1 Benchmark

Wednesday: Socratic Seminar for The Namesake

Thursday: World Cafe

Friday: Collection 1 Unit Final Timed Write: Rubric

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 10.22-10.26

AP Seminar: Period 1

Monday: He Named Me Malala

H.W.  Notebooks due this Friday

Tuesday: Socratic Seminar Socratic Seminar Question Stems REV & Socratic Seminar Evaluation Guide Issues in Education Socratic Seminar

Wednesday: 1.) Socratic Seminar Final Thoughts 2.) AP Seminar FRQ 2017 Section II Question Student Anchor Analysis

ThursdayStudent Anchor Analysis  

H.W. Choose a stance from Education Philosophical Chairs and Print 4 CREDIBLE Sources.  (See Google Classroom)

Friday: 1.) Notebook Reflection 2.) Write a Works Cited Page: Formatting 3.) H.W. Annotated Bibliography

Mexican American Literature: Period 2 and 6

Monday: “Foreigners in their Own Land”

H.W. Notebooks due this Friday 10/26

Tuesday: Introduction to Birth of Mexican American: “Foreigners in their Own Land”

Wednesday: Expository Summary for Foreigners in their Own Land

Thursday: Introduction to Metanarrative of Manifest Destiny: “Definition” By Luis Alberto Urrea

Friday: 1.) What is a METANARRATIVE?  2.) What makes MANIFEST DESTINY an example of a METANARRATIVE?

English 3P Honors: Period 3  and 4

Monday: Read Ch. 9-10 of The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri

H.W. Finish The Namesake by Thursday, Notebooks due on Friday

Tuesday: 1. Summary Check 2.  Expert Corners 3. Literary Circles

Wednesday: World Cafe on Ch. 9-10 of The Namesake

Thursday: Progress Check 1.4 on Chapter 6-19 of The Namesake

Friday: Progress Check Revision: Notebooks Due!

H.W. Finish The Namesake and Prepare for Socratic Seminar on Monday!


This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: 10.15-10.19

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AP Seminar: Period 1

Monday: 1.) Formatting Works Cited Page 2.) Group Argument Work Day #2 & Individual Conferences: Presentation Outline

H.W. Presentations on Wednesday, October 17: Rubric

Tuesday: 1.) Group Argument Work Day #3

Wednesday: Presentation Rubric Emphasis on Performance and Design (PVLEG Rubric)

Thursday: Individual Research Day #1

Friday: Group Project Debrief

Mexican American Literature: Period 2 & 6

Monday:Identity Unit Portfolio: Reflection & Cover

Tuesday:Identity Unit Portfolio Day #2: Reflection & Cover

WednesdayIdentity Unit Portfolio: Summarizing Statements and Responses

Thursday: Identity Unit Portfolio: Editing and Revising

FridayIdentity Symposium

English 3P Honors: Period 3 & 4

Monday: The Namesake Socratic Seminar #1

H.W. Read & Summarize Ch. 6-8 by Thursday 10/18

Tuesday: Progress Check: Ch. 1-5

Wednesday: Progress Check Revision

Thursday: 1.) Ch. 6-8 Summary Check 2.) Expert Corners for Ch. 6-8 3.) Literary Circles

FridayThe Namesake Ch. 6-8v Chapter Summary and Literary Circles

H.W. Read Ch. 9-10 by Tuesday, October 23 and complete Chapter Summary and Lit Circle Expertise!

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class: Weekly Updates 10.8-10.12

You would really like to buy totally free a drug for treatment of the symptoms of ED from the pharmacy from your home here Viagra quickly… You will not need to visit the doctor and get a prescription. Best Quality i think. For certain groups of patients (men over 65 years of age, patients with kidney, liver, or cardiovascular diseases), this dosage is reduced to 25 mg How to take Viagra correctly can tell the doctor after a detailed examination of the man Do not exceed the doctor’s recommended dose.

AP Seminar: Period 1

Monday: 1.) Selecting and Using Evidence Project:  Online Mags  v. Online News Sources

Tuesday: 1.) Stance Statement Draft 2.) Google Scholar and  EBSCOHost Introduction

Wednesday: PSAT

Thursday: 1.) Type Individual Stance Statement use MLA style format 2.) Group Argument Work Day #1:

Group Presentation Outline

I.) Attention to TOPIC & Necessary Background: What are you presenting about and why?

II.) CLAIM: Turn stance into question and write a concise answer as your THESIS/CLAIM.

III.) REASONING: Reasoning should support claim 1 & 2 supported by credible evidence (all sources cited) integrate all parts of the Aristotelian Triangle (ethos, pathos, logos) but AVOID TOO MUCH TEXT.

IV.) COUNTERCLAIMSWhat would those who disagree with your group’s position argue?  Why are they wrong?  (Support with documented credible evidence)

V.) CONCLUSION and CALL TO ACTION:  What would you like people to do if they agree with your conclusions?

Friday: 1.) Group Argument Work Day #2 & Individual Conferences: Presentation Outline

H.W. Presentations on Wednesday, October 17: Rubric

Mexican American Literature: Period 2 & 6

Monday: Ekphrastic Poems

Tuesday: Magnetic Poetry inspired by Frank Mundo’s “How I Became a Mexican”

Wednesday: Identity Unit Portfolio

Thursday: Identity Portfolio Day 2

Friday: Inocente: How does art help Inocente build a sense of self and identity?

English 3P Honors: Period 3 & 4

Monday: The Namesake Ch. 1 & 2 Chapter Summary: The Namesake Unit Map

H.W. Read and Summarize Ch. 3-5 by Friday, October 12: Complete Chapter Summary:

Tuesday: 1.) Definition of Assimilation 2.) “Indian Boy Love Song” by Sherman Alexie Analysis 3. Literary Circles for The Namesake Ch. 1-2

Wednesday: PSAT

Thursday: “Indian Boy Love Song” and “New Orleans” by Joy Harjo Comparative Summary

Friday: The Namesake Ch. 3-5 Chapter Summary Check and Literary Circles

H.W. Socratic Seminar on Monday 10/15 Read & Summarize Ch. 6-8 by Thursday 10/18

This week in Ms. Alba’s Class…10.1-10.5

AP Seminar

Monday: 1.) Paulo Freire Quote Analysis 2.) Philosophical ChairsEducation Philosophical Chairs

Tuesday 2.)Education Philosophical Chairs

Wednesday: 1.) Credible Argument Group Project Day 1: Video & Handout Selecting and Using Evidence

Thursday: 1.) Notebooks are DUE 2.) Report Back on Evidence

FridayHe Named Me Malala

Mexican American Literature and Culture

Monday: David Botello “Read Between the Lines” OPTIC Analysis 

Tuesday: “Dream of Flight” and “Read Between the Lines” David Botello Comparative Analysis

Wednesday: Look Poems

Thursday: Magnetic Poems

Friday: Inocente

English 3P Honors, Period 3-4

Monday: Progress Check 1.2 Irony and Anecdote in Amy Tan’s Mother Tongue & Richard Rodriguez’s “Blaxicans and Other Reinvented Americans”

Tuesday: Progress Check Revision and Progress Check Reflection Log

H.W.) Read Viet Thanh NguyenThe Immigrant’s Fate is Everyone’s”

Wednesday: Socratic Seminar #2 Prep: Collection 1 Socratic SeminarSocratic Seminar Question Stems

Thursday: 1.) Collection 1 Socratic Seminar, Socratic Seminar Evaluation Guide 2.) Turn in Notebooks: Rubric

Friday:  Read Ch. 1-2 The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri: Summarize Chapters 

  • Big Question for Chapter 1-2 (pp. 1-47): How does Lahiri’s characterization of Ashoke and Ashima begin to introduce the idea of ASSIMILATION to the reader? How doe sit compare to Richard Rodriguez’s stance in “Blaxicans and Other Invented Americans”?